项目名称: 基于相位突变的超薄平板透镜远场亚波长成像研究
项目编号: No.11304253
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 韩天成
作者单位: 西南大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 亚波长成像技术在微纳光学领域日益受到重视,然而目前已有的成像方案多局限在近场,即使在远场也存在严重的局限性。此外,透镜的小型化和平面化在亚波长成像研究中并没有给予关注,而这却是成像系统集成度不断提高的迫切要求。针对这些问题,本项目旨在利用相位突变表面结构(介质、金属单元阵列),实现具有远场亚波长成像功能的超薄平板透镜(厚度远小于波长)。探明相位突变表面结构影响光传播的一般规律,建立起统一的理论描述框架,并阐明其物理本质。在此基础上,基于变换光学提出新型远场亚波长透镜,研究该透镜对透射光的相位调制特性,选择最优的相位突变表面来实现该相位分布,并以纳米加工和光学实验制备此种先进透镜来实现远场超分辨成像。利用理论分析、高精度数值模拟、实验验证相结合的方法,以期找到一种普适的方案,实现高效率、宽频带、低损耗的超薄平板透镜的远场亚波长成像。本项目的实施,对于高端纳米光学成像的进一步发展具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 双曲透镜;超分辨成像;变换光学;新型电磁媒质;热流控制
英文摘要: In this project, we will investigate far-field sub-wavelength imaging with novel flat micro-nano diffractive elements. Note that existing sub-wavelength imaging is mainly useful in the near-field, and the far-field sub-wavelength imaging still faces serious bottleneck due to the absence of evanescent waves. In addition, higher integration of imaging system poses an urgent requirement on miniaturized and planarized lens providing far-field sub-wavelength resolution, which will enhance the industrial values drastically. To cater for the emerging needs in science and commercialization, this proposal aims to create an ultra-thin flat lens (thickness much smaller than 1 wavelength) for far-field sub-wavelength imaging by using phase-discontinuity interfacial structures. The physics of light propagation through phase-discontinuity surface and its correlation to super imaging will be explored, leading to a clear-cut theoretical framework for the first time. Then a novel far-field sub-wavelength lens is to be proposed based on transformation optics with its phase characteristics of the transmitted light obtained. The phase distribution can thus be mimicked by using optimum phase-discontinuity surface, and such advanced flat lens will be fabricated with nanotechnology to verify far-field super-resolution imaging. With th
英文关键词: Hyperlens;super-resolution imaging;transformation optics;metamaterials;manipulation of heat flux