项目名称: 复杂市场环境下多阶段不等面积设施动态布局优化研究
项目编号: No.71501090
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 肖玉杰
作者单位: 南京财经大学
项目金额: 15.5万元
中文摘要: 日趋激烈的市场竞争及不断增长的个性化需求带来了动态多变的复杂市场。市场需求的不断变化和产品生命周期的逐渐缩短导致原有的设施布局模式已不适应现阶段的产品生产计划,因此,多阶段不等面积设施的多目标动态布局问题成为本项目的研究对象。在少量假设和充分考虑设施布局问题现实约束条件的基础上,建立复杂市场环境下多阶段不等面积设施的多目标动态布局数学模型,探索一种能快速、高效求解复杂约束多目标优化问题最优解的方法,通过与现有经典案例进行比较验证其有效性和实用性,最终开发一套可视化企业设施规划管理优化软件。
中文关键词: 混合整数规划;启发式算法;设施布局;优化算法;多目标
英文摘要: Increasing competition and personalized demand result in a dynamic complex market. As the market demands change frequently and product life cycle shortens gradually, the original layout of facilities cannot match the current production plan. Consequently, this project focuses on the dynamic layout problem with unequal-sized facilities and multi-objective within multi-period. Based on less assumption and full consideration about practical constraints, we propose a mathematical programming for the dynamic layout problem with unequal-sized facilities and multi-objective. A high-performance and efficient method is developed to find the optimal solution of the problem with complex constrains and multi-objective. Comparison using typical instances is conducted to verify the effectiveness and practicability of the proposed method. Finally, a visual optimization software for enterprise facility planning is developed.
英文关键词: mixed integer programming;heuristic algorithm;facility layout;optimization algorithm;multi-objective