项目名称: 螺栓联接和支撑结构对大型转盘轴承寿命影响的基础研究
项目编号: No.51465025
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 陈观慈
作者单位: 昆明理工大学
项目金额: 48万元
中文摘要: 大型转盘轴承是盾构机、风力发电机等大型装备的关键联接转动件,受低刚度螺栓联接和支撑结构影响的转盘轴承承载性能和寿命决定了此类大型装备的工作能力和使用可靠性。由于缺乏有效的分析模型,现有研究通常独立分析螺栓联接或支撑结构对转盘轴承力学性能的影响,二者的联合作用尚不明确。同时,转盘轴承的设计具有一定的通用性,特定应用时轴承承载性能和寿命或不足。本项目从转盘轴承螺栓联接的最小单元着手,研究单个螺栓、螺栓组联接的数学建模和刚度矩阵表达,研究支撑结构和轴承套圈弹性模型和刚度矩阵表达。将单元刚度串联为系统刚度建立转盘轴承-螺栓-支撑结构系统的力学模型,奠定快速分析基础。研究螺栓联接和支撑结构刚度对转盘轴承承载性能和寿命的影响,以轴承寿命最大为目标,研究转盘轴承螺栓联接和支撑结构的优化策略和相应设计方法,通过螺栓联接和支撑结构的主动刚度优化,提高转盘轴承寿命。项目研究为转盘轴承的设计应用提供一种新方法。
中文关键词: 大型转盘轴承;使用寿命;螺栓联接;支撑结构;优化设计
英文摘要: The large-scale slewing bearing is the key rotary connection of large equipment, such as TBM and wind turbine. The working ability and reliability of these equipments are determined by the slewing bearing's load capacity and life which are greatly influenced by its bolt connection and supporting structure. At present, the bolt connection and supporting structure are segregated to study their effects on the load performance of slewing bearing because there is no effective analysis model. The combined effect of bolt connection and supporting structure on the load performance of slewing bearing is unknown. At the same time, the design of slewing bearing is multipurpose. The load capacity and life may be not enough in specific application. In this project, the minimum element of the slewing bearing system is studied at first. The numerical models of single bolt, bolt group connection are developed. The stiffnees of bolt group is obtained. The stiffness of supporting structure and bearing rings is gotten by super-element. The mechanics model of the slewing bearing system is developed by connecting these element stiffness, which is the basis of the bearing life analysis and optimal design. The influences of the bolt stiffness and the supporting structure stiffness on the bearing life are studied. Then, the criterion for choosing bolt connection or supporting structure to optimal design is constituted. With the optimization objective of maximum bearing life. The optimal design methods of bolt connection and supporting structure are studied. The objective of this project is to improve the load distribution and life of slewing bearing by active stiffness design of the bolt connection and supporting structure. The new method is offered for the design of slewing bearing by this study.
英文关键词: Large-scale slewing bearing;Life;Bolt connection;Supporting structure;Optimal design