项目名称: 量子信息中的量子游走
项目编号: No.11275181
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 吴盛俊
作者单位: 南京大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 量子随机游走是对应于经典随机游走的量子演化过程。如同经典随机游走在经典算法中有非常重要的应用,量子随机游走在量子算法和量子计算中也有广泛的应用前景。然而,量子随机游走在理论和实际应用方面还有很多问题亟待解决,包括一般无规则图上的量子随机游走理论、多粒子的量子随机游走规律、量子随机游走中的退相干机制等。这些问题对于构造新的高效量子算法,推动量子计算的发展和量子计算机的最终实现具有重要的意义。项目申请小组将瞄准量子随机游走这个国际前沿课题,紧紧围绕量子随机游走基本特性开展理论研究,仔细研究一般无规则图上量子随机游走的统计性质和变化规律、多粒子体系的量子随机游走和量子关联随时间的演化,量子随机游走中的退相干过程等。通过这些理论分析,进而探索新的基于量子随机游走的量子算法和量子计算方案,给出可以实验实现和验证的理论框架。同时,我们也将考察量子随机游走在凝聚态物理、量子生物和量子意识领域的可能应用。
中文关键词: 量子游走;定域现象;量子测量;量子关联;基态冷却
英文摘要: Quantum walk is a quantum analog of the classical random walk. Like the broad application of classical random walk in classical algorism design, the quantum walk has a promising future in quantum algorisms and quantum computation. Nevertheless, there are still many problems to solve in both the theoretical approach and physical realization of quantum walk. Among them are quantum walk on general graphs, many-particle quantum walk, and the mechanism and impact of decoherence in quantum walk. These problems are significant to the design of highly efficient quantum algorisms, the development of quantum computation and the realization of quantum computer. The project team will aim at the frontier of this research hot spot and conduct fundamental theoretical research of quantum walk. We will focus on the quantum walk on general graphs, quantum walk of many particles, the evolution of quantum correlation in quantum walk, and the decoherence in quantum walk. After the above theoretical research, we will further explore new quantum algorisms and quantum computation approaches based on quantum walk, and give a theoretical framework suitable for experiment realization and verification. Moreover, we will also search potential application of quantum walk in condensed matter physics, quantum biology, quantum consciousness and
英文关键词: quantum walk;localization;quantum measurement;quantum correlation;ground-state cooling