项目名称: 使用光子晶体操控半导体量子点自发辐射的研究
项目编号: No.11274178
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 王琴
作者单位: 南京邮电大学
项目金额: 93万元
中文摘要: 本项目主要是通过对纳米材料光子晶体与自组织生长量子点之间相互作用的研究,来实现对单量子点自发辐射过程的精确操控,从而达到制备确定性单光子源与双光子纠缠对的目的。一方面,我们将使用InAs自组织单量子点作为内部探针来探索光子晶体内部的场分布情况,并与理论预测相比较;另一方面反过来利用光子晶体独特的"带隙"结构来调控量子点的自发辐射的快慢,同时通过对纳米环境下量子点激子自发辐射过程中伴随的失相位、相消干等现象的研究,深入理解激子的自发辐射机制,提出合理的理论模型对实验现象进行解释;此外,通过设计合理的光子晶体结构来控制量子点的自发辐射,从而制备出确定性高亮度单光子、双光子纠缠光源。
中文关键词: 量子点;量子光源;自发辐射;量子点-微腔;量子密钥分配
英文摘要: To control the spontaneous emission of single quantum dots with photonic crystals by investigating light-matter interactions under nanoenvironment, and the goal is to generate deterministic single-photon souce and entangled-photon pairs. On one hand, we will make use of single self-assembled InAs quantum dots as internal probes to probe the electromagnetic field inside photonic crystals, and further compare the measurement results with related theory. On the other hand, to control the spontaneous emission of single quantum dots by employing the unique characteristic of "band-gap" effects of photonic crystals. Moreover, by investigating the dephasing and decoherence processes of excitons, to get deep understanding of the dynamics of their spontaneous emission processes; and meantime, give out reasonable theoretical model to explain the experimental phenomena. Finally, to manipulate the decay of excitons, biexcitons in single quantum dots and realize generating determisnistic highly intensity single-photon and entangled photon sources by properly designing photonic crystal structures.
英文关键词: quantum dot;quantum light source;spontaneous emission;quantum dot-cavity;quantum key distribution