项目名称: 视觉学习与人脑可塑性
项目编号: No.31471067
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 神经、认识与心理学
项目作者: 宋宜颖
作者单位: 北京师范大学
项目金额: 81万元
中文摘要: 人的生存和发展离不开学习,对视觉学习及其神经基础的研究既是理解学习一般规律的重要途径,也是研究人脑可塑性的重要窗口。已有研究表明,视觉学习过程涉及高级脑区和低级脑区的交互调控作用;学习除了改变脑区平均反应水平,也可以改变脑区多体素反应模式。本研究拟结合行为测量和多模态磁共振脑成像技术,围绕视觉学习的神经基础,开展三部分研究。1)视觉学习的脑网络机制,探讨视觉学习如何塑造脑区间连接以及脑网络属性。2)整合脑网络和脑区水平,考察视觉学习如何改变脑区反应模式的稳定性,并探讨学习引起的脑网络变化是否导致脑区反应模式变化。3)预测学习效果,考察上述多个神经指标能否预测不同个体的学习效果,并尝试探讨这些神经指标与视觉学习障碍的关系。本研究结果将推动我们对视觉学习的认知规律和神经机制的理解,并有助于理解大脑对学习的编码方式和脑可塑性。此外,本研究将为提高学习效率、促进有效学习提供启示。
中文关键词: 视觉学习;脑可塑性;磁共振成像;脑网络;反应模式
英文摘要: Learning is crucial for living and development of human individuals, and the investigation of visual learning and its neural substrates is an important window not only for understanding of general mechanisms of learning, but also for exploration of brain plasticity. Recent studies have indicated that visual learning relies on interactions between high level and low level brain regions, and training changes the spatial pattern of neural response, in addition to mean response level of a region. In this project, we will adopt behavioral measurement and multimodal magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the neural basis of visual learning with a series of studies. 1) The brain network mechanism of visual learning. We will investigate how visual learning will shape functional and structural connections between brain regions and network properties. 2) Integration of brain network and brain regions. We will investigate how visual learning will change the stability of response patterns in local brain regions, and weather the training-induced change of brain network will lead to that of response patterns in local brain regions. 3) Prediction of individual difference in learning effects. We will investigate whether the above mentioned neural measures can predict individual difference in behavioral learning effects, and attempt to examine their relationship with deficits of visual learning. This project will promote our understanding of the cognitive mechanism and neural basis of visual learning, and elucidate the neural coding of learning and brain plasticity. Moreover, this project will provide new insight for improvement of learning efficiency and promotion of effective learning.
英文关键词: visual learning;brain plasticity;MRI;brain network;response pattern