项目名称: 支持笔交互的数字纸张签名方法研究
项目编号: No.61273323
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 吴仲城
作者单位: 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 基于密钥的数字签名技术,不仅无法保证用户数字身份与物理身份的统一,而且密钥的生成、分发、管理存在安全隐患,网络环境下,数字内容版权保护、用户身份识别与认证等信息安全问题日益突出。为此,本研究提出通过自然的笔纸交互方式,实现在具有物理属性的数字纸张上签名,并利用手写签名力矢量信息生成生物密钥,用于数字内容保护和用户身份识别与认证。通过构建具有纹理、硬度等物理属性的数字纸张,基于纸笔交互模型和纸墨交互模型,实现数字纸张与数字墨水自然表达和内容绑定;采用多态离散化方法实现手写签名个性化特征编码和生物密钥生成;结合数字纸张个性化属性和模糊金库匹配策略实现计算机环境下的数字签名。所提出的支持笔交互的数字纸张签名方法,与现有公钥密码体系无缝衔接,并有效增强私钥的安全性和易用性,为实现"无纸化"提供技术支撑,在电子政务、电子商务及数字内容保护等方面有重要的应用价值。
中文关键词: 笔交互;数字纸张;数字墨水;手写签名;内容保护
英文摘要: Nowadays, the Digital Signature technology is far from perfect as it is based on PKI. The generation, distribution and management of the secret key are not safe enough. And the problem of user's identification gets even more tough in network environments. Therefore, a novel method is proposed in this research. Firstly, the handwriting signatures are presented by the Digital Paper with a variety of physical properties in natural pen-paper interaction processes, then the secret key are created by the force features extracted from the signatures, which can be used to protect the user's information and also to verify the user's identity. Specifically, the natural expression and digital content binding of the digital paper and the digital ink are realized through constructing the digital paper with the physical property based on models of pen-paper and ink-paper interaction; the personal features coding of handwriting signature and biometric key creation are performed based on the Polymorphism discretization method, with personal features of the digital paper and matching law of fuzzy vault, function of the Digital Signature under computer environment is performed. The proposal can be seamlessly transited to the public key password system, the security and usability of private keys also be strengthen. It is effective
英文关键词: pen interaction;digital paper;digital ink;handwriting signature;content protection