项目名称: MSWI底灰中重金属在填埋场中的迁移转化机理研究
项目编号: No.51208167
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑环境与结构工程学科
项目作者: 张海霞
作者单位: 河北工程大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 随着城市生活垃圾焚烧(MSWI)技术的推广,大量MSWI灰渣产生。由于MSWI灰渣中含有一定量的重金属,在填埋以及再利用过程中对周围环境的存在潜在危害。因此,占MSWI灰渣比重80%的MSWI底灰的安全处置成为固体废弃物处理领域的新问题。本课题通过筛选影响MSWI底灰长期稳定性的外界环境因素,如温度、含水率、降雨等,并优化这些参数值,设计出一个可加速MSWI底灰老化的试验,来模拟重金属矿物形态和渗出特性在填埋场条件下的变化过程,并综合考虑生物降解、地球化学变化等多种反应对重金属迁移的影响。将动力学沉淀/溶解模型和地球化学反应模型耦合起来,并与实地调研、实验室模拟试验和现场试验相结合,研究MSWI底灰中的重金属随时间的形态变化、迁移转化机理,建立可预测MSWI底灰中重金属迁移转化机理的动力学模型。该课题具有重要的科学意义和应用价值,为MSWI底灰的安全处置或再利用奠定一定的理论基础。
中文关键词: 底灰;重金属;迁移性;形态;
英文摘要: With the promotion of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) technology, a large number of MSWI residues generated. Heavy metals in the MSWI residues during the landfilling and re-use process has a potential hazard to the surrounding environment. Appropriate disposal of MSWI bottom ash proportion of 80% of the MSWI residues becomes a new environment problem. By selecting the external factors related to the long-term stability of MSWI bottom ash, such as temperature, moisture and rainfall, and optimizing these parameters value, an accelerated aging test is designed to simulate the changes of heavy metals morphology and leaching characteristics in landfill conditions. Biodegradation and geochemical reactions are considered for heavy metal migration in MSWI bottom ash. The kinetics of precipitation/dissolution model and geochemical reaction models coupled with field research, laboratory simulations and field tests are combined to establish a dynamics model of the MSWI heavy metals, which is applied to predict the long-term heavy metals morphological changes, migration and transformation mechanism during MSWI bottom ash landfill process. The study has important scientific significance and application value, and provide a theoretical basis for the safe disposal or reuse of MSWI bottom ash.
英文关键词: bottom ash;heavy metals;migration;morphology;