项目名称: 固体有机化合物在超临界CO2中溶解度预测模型的构建和验证
项目编号: No.21206077
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 化学工程及工业化学
项目作者: 李红茹
作者单位: 南开大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 化合物在超临界流体中的溶解度是相关工艺设计的关键数据,但超临界溶液高度的非理想性和可压缩性以及固体溶质升华压数据的缺乏给化合物溶解度的预测造成了极大的困难,本项目将围绕这些瓶颈问题展开研究,构建固体有机化合物在超临界CO2中的溶解度预测模型并对其进行验证。针对超临界溶液高度的非理想性和可压缩性和由此给模型引入经验参数的问题,我们将硬球状态方程和局部组成理论用于压缩气体模型,在模型中引入与溶剂-溶质分子作用相关的模型参数取代原经验参数,在建立合理的模型参数与溶质的结构和物性关系的基础上,进一步开发具有真正预测能力的模型;为了打破升华压数据的缺乏对固体化合物在超临界流体中溶解度预测的限制,以膨胀液体理论为基础,结合气体状态方程,构建无需升华压数据的溶解度预测模型,实现该类化合物溶解度的预测。本项目的研究内容对推动超临界流体技术基础研究与产业化进展具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 超临界流体;溶解度;预测;压缩气体模型;膨胀液体模型
英文摘要: The solubilities of compounds in supercritical fluids are the crucial data in relevant process design. However, the solubility prediction is greatly hampered by the high non-ideality and compressibility of the supercritical solutions and the unavailability of sublimation pressure for relatively nonvolatile solid solutes. By researching these bottleneck problems in the solubility prediction, this project aims at establishing and validating the solubility prediction models for solid organic solutes in supercritical carbon dioxide. In view of the high non-ideality and compressibility of the supercritical solutions and the resulting empirical parameters in the models, the hard sphere equations of state and local composition theories are used in the compressed gas models. The parameters related with the solvent-solute interaction, instead of the original empirical parameters, are introduced into the compressed gas models, which can help to establish more reasonable relationships between the model parameters and the solutes' structures and properties, and then develop the models with true predictive capability. In order to predict the solubilities of the solid solutes whose sublimation pressures are unavailable, the expanded liquid theory combing with the gas equations of state is used to develop the solubility predic
英文关键词: supercritical fluids;solubilities;prediction;compressed gas model;expanded liquid model