项目名称: 两相介质混合物电磁色散特性的准动态均一化技术及应用
项目编号: No.61301013
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 祁嘉然
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 传统的均匀物质模型和传统的散射参数逆推法在准动态频域内已经无法正确的描述混合物的宏观电磁色散特性。在前期工作的基础上,本项目拟针对薄板型两相介质混合物提出新型准动态电磁均一化模型以及相应的均一化技术,特别是散射参数逆推法。拟引入的新型均一化模型包括各向异性模型、层式模型、带有各向异性边界层的层式模型和双各向异性模型。并针对每种均一化模型提出了不同的均一化方法(即散射参数逆推法)用以确定相应模型的特性参数。以期进一步拓宽准动态电磁均一化理论的可用频率范围,为实际测定电磁媒质的宏观电磁色散特性提供可行的技术手段。在此基础上,本课题拟针对薄板型两相介质混合物量化其准静态边界。一直以来,科研工作者只定性的描述准静态边界,而如何量化这一边界目前尚未见报道。这项研究将为能否利用传统电磁均一化理论解释新型电磁材料的工作机理,进而改进和拓展新型电磁材料的设计方法提供重要的理论依据。
中文关键词: 均一化;散射参数逆推法;NRW方法;混合物;
英文摘要: Conventional homogeneous model and the related classic retrieval methods based on scattering parameters (S-parameter retrieval) have been demonstrated to be insufficient and even inaccurate to depict the dispersive macroscopic electromagnetic properties of a given composite sample. Based on our previous studies and informative results, this project aims to propose novel homogenization models and relevant homogenization techniques (particularly S-parameter retrieval methods) in quasi-dynamic region for a series of bi-phase dielectric composites with finite thickness. The models to be presented enclose anisotropic model, stratified model, stratified model with anisotropic boundary layers, and bi-anisotropic model, respectively. For each proposed homogenization model, the corresponding S-parameter retrieval methods will be deduced to determine its characteristic parameters. Hopefully, positive results can then confirm that the introduced homogenization model and S-parameter retrieval methods are capable of characterizing the dispersive macroscopic electromagnetic properties of dielectric composites in a broader frequency range, and therefore, provide a potential technique to measure in practice the macroscopic electromagnetic dispersion of a given material sample. One the other hand, based on the abovementioned ho
英文关键词: Homogenization;S-parameter retrieval;NRW method;composite;