项目名称: 联合CORS网络的高分辨率PSI大气延迟定标方法研究
项目编号: No.41271448
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 罗小军
作者单位: 西南交通大学
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 高分辨率永久散射体雷达差分干涉(PSI)因其区域性、高空间分辨率的形变监测特点,在长大线状工程的形变监测方面具有独特的优势。但是大气延迟严重影响高分辨率PSI监测形变的精度和可靠性,因此,有必要开展高分辨率PSI大气延迟精确改正研究。鉴于连续运行参考站(CORS)系统能提供高精度、高时间分辨率大气延迟数据,项目提出联合CORS网络定标(即精确改正)高分辨率PSI大气延迟的理论。项目基于PSI邻域差分相位建模、CORS网络与PSI大气延迟差异机理,构建高分辨率PSI大气延迟定标模型-大气延迟偏差模型,并研究CORS网络密度、网形与高分辨率PSI大气延迟定标精度的关系。项目研究对深化CORS与高分辨率PSI融合理论和促进PSI技术的应用具有重大意义,并且CORS与高分辨率PSI联合可为高速铁路、公路等重大工程的形变监测提供一种全新的技术。
中文关键词: 永久散射体;差分干涉合成孔径雷达;形变监测;邻域差分相位;连续运行参考站
英文摘要: Persistent Scatters InSAR (PSI) with high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images exhibits distinctive advantages in monitoring deformations of large-scale linear objects due to its wide-coverage and high spatial resolution. However, atmospheric effects represent a major limitation of PSI. Although several previous studies have been carried out to address this issue, it is believed that more should be done to reduce atmospheric effects on radar measurements so as to improve the accuracy and reliability of PSI results. As Continuous Operating Reference Station (CORS) GPS networks provide precise atmospheric delays with a high temporal resolution (e.g. 5 minutes), this proposed research attempts to calibrate,i.e.,accurately correct atmospheric effects on PSI results using CORS-derived atmospheric delays. An atmospheric path delay difference model for high resolution PSI is to be developed based on PSI's neighboring differential phase model and CORS atmospheric delays. Furthermore, the impact of the density and configuration of the CORS network on the atmospheric path delay difference model will be investigated. The research is significant for promoting the integration of CORS and high resolution PSI and for accelerating the operation of PSI. The fusion of CORS and high resolution PSI can afford a brand ne
英文关键词: permanent scatterers;differential infterferometric synthetic aperture r;deformation detection;neighboring differential phase;continuous operating reference station