项目名称: 基于全数字化的闪烁脉冲时间标记
项目编号: No.61501197
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 邓贞宙
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 在正电子发射断层成像(PET)中,符合时间分辨率是最重要的性能指标之一,而闪烁脉冲时间信息的精确提取一直是其中最吸引人的关键问题。近年来,在最早阶段采样闪烁脉冲的全数字化技术,避免了成形电路和信号传输中的损耗,最大限度地保留了闪烁事件的原始时间信息。本项目以闪烁脉冲的时间标记为研究内容,具体包括四种全数字化形式下的时间标记问题。这四种形式包括:(a)时间-电压型 (b)电压-时间型 (c)时间-计数型 (d)计数-时间型。不同于传统的模拟时间标记方法与基于假设模型的数字时间标记方法,本项目从闪烁脉冲的全数字化形式出发,采用数据驱动与物理模型相结合的研究方法,立足于闪烁脉冲特有的数据特点和物理成因,发掘闪烁光子发射和传输的内在禀赋,以提高闪烁探测器的符合时间分辨率为最终目标,开发性能更稳定、更适合于应用的时间标记方法。在特定的应用背景和条件下,为探索符合时间分辨率的极限及其物理实质奠定基础。
中文关键词: 闪烁脉冲;时间标记;闪烁探测器;全数字化
英文摘要: In Positron Emission Tomography (PET), coincidence timing resolution is one of the most important performance parameters. And the timing of scintillation pulses is the most absorbing and crucial problem in PET. Recently, there is a substantial interest in moving PET detector electronics in the direction of digitizing an event pulse at the earliest possible stage to avoid information-loss during analog filtering/shaping and transmission and keep the most original timing information. This project focuses on time pickoff method with four types of digitization: (a) Time-Voltage type (b) Voltage-Time type (c) Time-Counts type (d) Counts-Time type. Different from the traditional method based on analogue circuits or hypothetical model, This project is derived from digitization, combined with Data-Driven and Physical Model, based on the emission and transmission of scintillation photons, targeting on the improvement of coincidence time resolution, and to develop the time pickoff method with more stability and applicability. The limit and physical substance of time resolution for the specified condition and application background will be further investigated on the basis of this work.
英文关键词: scintillation pulse;time pickoff;scintillation detector;fully digitization