项目名称: 支持资源自适配接入的物联网服务提供方法研究
项目编号: No.61501048
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 赵帅
作者单位: 北京邮电大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 普适化感知是物联网的核心特征,即普适互联,物与物之间主动进行信息交互,实现随时、随地的互联;普适信息获取,随时、随地、“任何”方式获得对物理世界的感知。然而,目前物联网的资源和数据被封锁在孤立的应用中,得不到进一步的共享和重用;系统之间相互隔离,造成了信息孤岛的产生。本课题提出:1. 多层次、多维度资源模型,为感知信息的互理解提供模型和理论基础;2. 异构资源自适配和自描述接入机制,支持物-物之间语义自动化地无歧义交互。3. 情景感知的智能服务提供算法,利用潜在的用户情景和个性化信息,为服务的普适化获取提供算法支持。通过本研究建立起来的模型和算法为物联网三个层次的互联互通(协议级别的互联互通、感知信息级别的共享和互理解、感知服务级别的基于情景的无缝服务提供),提供了理论模型,有助于消除系统竖井和数据孤岛,为物联网进一步普适化、全球性互联互通所面临的关键问题提出解决方案。
中文关键词: 物联网;服务计算;资源建模;协议适配
英文摘要: Ubiquitous sensing is the key feature of IoT. It has two-folder meanings: ubiquitous connection, things can interact with each other through Internet; ubiquitous information accessing, people can get their interested sensing information without consideration about the time, place and accessing terminals. However, the existing IoT application pattern is still silos, i.e. dedicated devices and networks are employed in each single application, resources and data are locked in isolated applications; applications can not interact with each other, which forms many isolated information islands and hinders the developing of IoT. This research takes the heterogeneity and large-scale features of IoT into consideration, and proposes: 1. multi-level and multi-dimension resource model, which provides the model basis for resource self-description, intelligent service provisioning and the mutual understanding of sensing information; 2. the mechanism of resource self-adaptation and self-description, which enables the unambiguous interaction between things, and provides the solution for integration the large-scale heterogenous legacy resources. 3. context-aware service provisioning algorithm, which recommends appropriate services based on potential user's context and personalization information. The result of this research enables three layers interconnection and interworking: protocol layer, sensing information, and sensing service. It provides solution for the future ubiquitous and global interconnection/interworking of things.
英文关键词: Internet of Things;Service Computing;resource model;protocol adaptation