项目名称: 锂离子嵌入化合物三元固溶体局域结构与协同效应的第一性原理研究
项目编号: No.21303235
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 陈珍莲
作者单位: 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 锂离子嵌入化合物层状三元材料具有优良的电化学性能,其公认的原因是固溶体的协同效应。但固溶体的内禀无序性、掺混过渡金属元素的相似性给协同效应的实验表征与定量描述带来困难。协同效应如何稳定结构、调控电位、提高离子迁移率的微观机理尚未得到恰当的定性、定量描述。近年来的研究逐步认识到局域结构的多样性是理解协同效应复杂性的关键。本项目将结合第一性原理计算和实验研究,在能量传递模型的基础上(2012年发表在J. Mater. Chem.上),研究局域超结构、电荷序、氧化还原电位和锂离子迁移势垒随固溶体化学计量比与锂离子脱嵌深度变化的规律,在电子层次解析d-d作用和d-p作用的协同机制,澄清局域序结构与电化学行为之间的关联,获得对脱嵌/嵌入过程的新认识。本项目的研究将不仅为三元材料进一步的改性提供指导思路,为相界微纳结构的研究奠定基础,也有助于促进其它类型嵌入化合物的固溶体研究。
中文关键词: 玛德隆常数;晶体结构;过渡金属离子;晶体场;倍率
英文摘要: The synergetic effects are believed to be the origin of the excellent electrochemical performance of the layered ternary composite lithium intercalation compounds. However, the intrinsic disorder and similarity among transition metal ions make the experimental and theoretical description very difficult. The fundamental mechanisms of synergetic effects on the structure stabilization, redox potential modulation and lithium-ion diffusion are still not revealed. The diversity of local order configurations is critical for understanding the complexity of the synergetic effects. Therefore, based on the energy transfer model (published on J. Mater. Chem. in 2012) and through the first-principles studies combined with experiments, this proposal aims to understand the dependence of the local superstructures, charge order, redox potential and diffusion barrier of lithium ion on the composite stoichiometry and delithiation stage, and to elaborate the synergetic mechanism of d-d interactions and d-p interactions at electronic scale, so as to clearly illustrate the connection between local structures and the electrochemical performance, and thus to gain new insights on the intercalation/de-intercalation processes. The project will not only provide theoretical guidance to materials improvement for the layered ternary composit
英文关键词: Madelung constant;crystal structure;transition metal ion;crystal field;rate performance