项目名称: 宽调谐飞秒硅波导光参量振荡器的机理与技术研究
项目编号: No.61275134
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 刘红军
作者单位: 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 研究基于硅波导中超快四波混频效应的宽调谐飞秒光参量振荡器的机理与技术。首先,从理论上系统地研究飞秒硅波导光参量振荡器的物理机制,建立硅波导飞秒光参量振荡器的理论模型,通过数值模拟仿真研究基于硅波导结构多参数优化实现单模传输的方法,以及通过对色散和非线性的调控实现硅波导超宽带四波混频相位匹配的关键方法。其次,从实验上研究装置简单的低阈值和高效率的硅波导光参量振荡器、利用硅波导增益介质实现飞秒脉冲光参量振荡、用硅波导色散管理的方法来实现飞秒脉冲的形成及稳定传输、扩展和控制硅波导参量振荡器的可调谐带宽以及调谐参量振荡信号光波长等关键方法与技术。最后,研究1.5μm波段的宽调谐飞秒硅波导光参量振荡器技术。本项目研究将为超快光学、集成光学、全光信息处理和量子通信等研究领域提供新型可集成宽调谐超快光源,并促进这些领域的快速发展,同时发展硅基非线性光子学理论及新型硅光子功能器件,研究意义重大。
中文关键词: 硅波导;光学参量振荡器;波长转换;飞秒脉冲产生;光学参量放大
英文摘要: The mechanism and technology of widely tunable femtosecond optical parametric oscillator based on the ultra-fast four-wave mixing in the silicon waveguide will be investigated in this project. Firstly, the physical mechanism of the femtosecond optical parametric oscillator in the silicon waveguide will be studied systemically from the theoretical standpoint,and the simulation model of the femtosecond optical parametric oscillator in the silicon waveguide will be built. The novel way of optimizing waveguide's multi-parameters achieved single mode propagation will be explored numerically. The key method and technology of broadband phase matching in silicon waveguide will be developed through the management of the dispersion and nonlinearity. Secondly, the key method and technology of the femtosecond optical parametric oscillator based on silicon waveguide, which exhibits a compact configuration with lower threshold and high conversion efficiency, will be investigated experimentally. The femtosecond pulse oscillation in the optical parametric oscillator will be realized using the high nonlinear silicon waveguide as the parametric gain material. Moreover, the dispersion engineering method can be adopted to obtain the generation and stable propagation of the femtosecond pulse in the optical parametric oscillator. Th
英文关键词: Silicon waveguide;Optical parametric oscillator;Wavelength conversion;Femtosecond pulse generation;Optical parametric amplification