项目名称: 基于生丝疵点发生理论与识别模型的虚拟生丝检验系统研究
项目编号: No.51303117
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 许建梅
作者单位: 苏州大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 生丝检验行业采用电子检测方法已提上日程,由中国主导起草的"生丝电子检测试验方法"国际标准项目已进入征询草案阶段。该试验方法所采用的电子检测设备的关键检测部件及检测软件却是日本制造,且其疵点识别软件部分仍存在诸多问题,故迫切需要重新构建中国自主技术基础上的疵点检测理论与方法。为此,本课题拟通过调查缫丝过程中疵点形成过程的特征与规律,建立疵点的发生理论,揭示疵点的分布规律,从而从宏观特征参数和微观疵点发生两种尺度上实现生丝纤度曲线的高仿真模拟;利用神经网络方法实现疵点质量检测信息与形态检测信息的融合,构建各类疵点的数学模型和疵点识别规则,进而研制开发出可移植于生丝电子检测设备上的疵点检测与识别的可视化软件系统,并建立高仿真生丝纤度曲线库,对该软件系统的灵敏性、有效性、精确性进行校验,修正数学模型,实现生丝疵点的虚拟化检验,为早日实现生丝电子检测设备具备完全自主技术提供理论指导与软件支持。
中文关键词: 生丝电子检测;发生理论;识别模型;生丝质量信息系统;高仿真生丝纤度曲线
英文摘要: It has been put on the agenda that the electronic testing method will be used in the silk inspection industry, and China is now leading an international team to establish an international standard on the electronic testing method for raw silk, and the project has been in the stage of Draft International Standard(DIS). At present the key parts and the testing software of the electronic tester used in the testing mehtod are mainly made in Japan. Moreover, there are some problems in the defects recognization system, thus it's urgent that we should reconstruct our own theory and method on the electronic testing for raw silk defects. Therefore, by investigating the characteristics and laws of the defects formation process the research aims to establish the defects occurrence theory, to disclose the distribution law of the defects, to find the method for building the curves simulation of the raw silk size which should be in accord with the actural raw silk size curves whether from the view of the macroscopic characteristic parameters or from the view of the microcosmic occurrence of the defects. And the research also aims to integrate the mass testing information and the shape testing information of the defects using the neural networks, to establish the mathematical models and the recognizing rules for all kinds of d
英文关键词: Electronic testing for raw silk;occurrence theory;recognition modeling;quality information systeim for raw silk;high degree of simulation for raw silk size curve