项目名称: 粗糙表面接触行为与粘着机理的多尺度模拟研究
项目编号: No.50875271
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 段芳莉
作者单位: 重庆大学
项目金额: 35万元
中文摘要: 本项目针对微机械应用中存在的由表面粘着力导致的严重摩擦学问题,以及对于微/纳尺度摩擦学研究还缺乏合适的模拟技术,发展了耦合分子动力学模拟和有限元分析的多尺度算法和并行计算软件,并应用于粗糙形貌表面粘着接触、摩擦行为的研究。研究了表面形貌和表面粘着强度对纳米尺度接触、摩擦行为的影响,考察了宏观接触模型在纳米尺度下的适用性,揭示了表面粘附导致的接触行为转变,分析了不同粗糙形貌下的接触过程中粘着规律变化,分析了摩擦行为从线性到亚线性、摩擦行为机制从载荷控制到粘着控制的转变。本项目进一步发展了微/纳尺度粗糙表面粘着接触、摩擦行为的研究,为微机械摩擦学性能的改进提供了一些理论依据。
中文关键词: 多尺度数值模拟;分子动力学模拟;粘着接触;粗糙表面;微机械
英文摘要: This proposal is put forward to address the serious tribological problems caused by the interfacial adhesion in micro/nano scale mechanical devices. Due to the lack of a simulation technique adapt for the micro/nano scale tribology, we developed a concurrent multiscale approach, which couple molecular dynamics simulation and finite element method and are implemented to achieve parallel computing, to study the micro/nano scale adhesive contact and friction between rough surfaces. We investigate the influences of surface morphology and interfacial adhesion on the contact and friction behavior. Whether the contact models based on continuum mechanics can be used to describe the nano scale contact behaviors are studied. We also study the transitions of contact and friction behaviors introduced by interfacial adhesion, and show the variation of adhesive force during contact process for different kind of rough surfaces. These studies advance the understanding of adhesive contact and friction behavior of micro/nano scale, and will provide some theoretical basis to improve the tribological performance of micro/nano scale devices.
英文关键词: Multiscale simulation; Molecular dynamics simulation; Adhesion contact; Rough surface; M/NEMS