项目名称: 基于高能束毛化和超声空化耦合作用的玻璃与金属连接界面反应机制研究
项目编号: No.51275008
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 栗卓新
作者单位: 北京工业大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 具有较高结构强度、密封性与保温能效的"玻璃-金属"结构,不仅具有显著的节能环保和绿色低碳特征,而且表现出现代设计美学与时代特点。其广泛工业应用的关键是二者的可靠连接及安全性。本项目针对块体玻璃与金属的连接,提出耦合高能束毛化和超声空化作用的超声辅助激光诱导熔合方法。从金属表面高能束毛化工艺、超声作用下熔融玻璃在毛化金属润湿过程入手,研究毛化"凸起"作为超声波空化作用的微观通道,对玻璃-金属界面的非平衡诱导润湿行为及其动力学机制;采用温度原位测量结合微观分析,考察温度场对界面区固-液-固形成演化规律的影响;采用热力学计算结合微观分析,研究相界面化学反应及热力学机制;并基于氧化膜增厚方法,揭示超声波促进氧化膜溶解反应的机理,最终搞清玻璃-金属界面反应的机制,进一步提高接头强度和结构刚度,实现短时高温下玻璃和金属的可靠连接,本项目对汽车、高速铁路、现代建筑的轻量化、安全性和节能环保具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 高能束毛化;超声空化;玻璃-金属封接;激光焊接;界面反应
英文摘要: Glass-metal hybrid structures have advantages of high structural strength, leak-tightness and thermal insulation. It not only holds superiority of energy-saving and environmental protection, but also represents the design aesthetics of automobile, modern architecture and transportation conveyance. The key for the wide application of this hybrid structures is reliable bonding of glass to metal and its safety. The projects aimes to bond glass blocks to metal. Based on the coupled effect of high-energy beam texturing and ultrasonic cavitation, A new method of laser induced fusion bonding of glass to metal with ultrasonic-assisted was proposed. The research starts from studying the high-energy beam texturing of metal surface and the wetting behavior of melting glass on textured metal surface. Using textured bulges as micro channels of ultrasonic cavitation, the non-equilibrium wetting in glass-metal interface induced by ultrasonic and the kinetics mechanism was studied. The effect of temperature field on the formation and evolution of solid-liquid-solid phase in interface area was investigated using in-situ measurement of heating temperature and microstructure analysis. The possible chemical reaction of interface and the therodynamic was studied using therodynamic calculations and microstructure analysis. In additi
英文关键词: high-energy density beam for texturing;ultrasonic cavitation;glass-to-metal seals;laser welding;interface reaction