项目名称: 混凝土耐久性损伤光纤光栅声发射传感机理与应用研究
项目编号: No.61503218
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 庞丹丹
作者单位: 山东建筑大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 声发射技术因其独特的优势被越来越广泛地应用于混凝土结构及其耐久性的研究中。目前混凝土结构损伤监测所使用的声发射检测仪器由于检测原理、封装结构、应用环境的限制,通常只能铺设在近距离、较小范围的监测区域,不能实现远距离在线检测。光纤光栅具有抗电磁干扰、耐腐蚀、信号传输损耗小、易组网诸多优点,因而非常适合于混凝土结构声发射检测。本课题针对混凝土结构中声发射信号的检测,展开光纤光栅声发射传感机理和应用研究,研究基于声发射特征参数的混凝土耐久性损伤模型;光纤光栅声发射传感器的响应模型;声发射检测系统的噪声抑制和检测灵敏度提高的途径;混凝土结构高温、低温、腐蚀性环境中传感器的封装保护关键技术。建立光纤光栅声发射传感计算机仿真和实验室模拟平台,为实现光纤光栅进行混凝土结构的声发射检测打下基础。本课题提出的基于声发射特征参数建立混凝土结构耐久性损伤模型的方法,国内外尚未见报道。
中文关键词: 光纤光栅传感器;声发射;混凝土;耐久性;损伤
英文摘要: Acoustic emission (AE) technique has been widely used in concrete and its durability because of its unique advantages. The currently available diagnostic approaches in AE detections and signal communication are restricted in abilities since detection methodology and sealing technology are unable to meet the critical environment. This results the detection which is solely implied in a small area instead of real-time remote inspection. Thanks to the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based sensors, which is attributed with high withstanding of electromagnetic interference as well as corrosion, low losses in signal communication and network accessible, therefore, it is in several aspects advanced and suitable for AE detection in concrete structures. Our topic is about the investigation of the FBG based AE monitoring system in term of theory and methodology. The theoretical model for durability damage of concrete based on AE parameters can be constructed; the response model of FBG AE sensor is developed; the sensitivity improvement by suppressing the noise of the AE detecting system is aimed; the technologies for sealing and protection of sensor in high temperature, low temperature and corrosive environment are studied. The numerical simulation as well as practical simulation in laboratory environment can be established in order to guide the direction for applications such as concrete damage inspection. Note that at the front edge research, such proposed model for durability damage of concrete based on AE parameters, has never been reported in global scientific journal based on author's knowledge.
英文关键词: Fiber Bragg grating;acoustic emission;concrete;durability;damage