项目名称: 半导体太赫兹辐射源混沌动力学性质研究
项目编号: No.61204135
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 信息四处
项目作者: 王长
作者单位: 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 围绕半导体THz辐射源在现代保密通信系统中的应用需求,在太赫兹(THz)输运理论、THz量子级联激光器(QCL)交流调制以及THz保密通信方案设计等方面开展研究工作。具体包括:(1)发展半导体输运的平衡方程方法,研究电场和倾斜磁场共同作用下超晶格电子的输运性质,设计激射频率约1-2THz的THz QCL;(2)利用半导体Bloch方程和速率方程,研究交流电流调制下THz QCL的混沌动力学性质,利用Lyapunov指数等方法区分系统的非线性运动状态;(3)利用THz QCL的混沌同步现象,研究利用光电互耦合同步方法和连续变量反馈同步方法进行混沌信号调制,实现THz波保密通信的方案。本项目将在上述三个方面取得标志性成果,对发展性能良好的THz QCL以及具有自主知识产权的THz信息传输技术具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 太赫兹;辐射源;混沌;输运;通信
英文摘要: Due to the need of modern terahertz (THz) communication, we study electron transport theory under teraehrtz radiation, nonlinear dynamics of THz quantum cascade laser (QCL) subject to a sinusoidal current modulation, and THz secure communcation based on chaos synchronization.The detailed research contents are liseted as the following. (1) Electron transport under both THz electric field and tilted magnetic field are investigated by balance euqaiton approach. THz QCL lasing at 1-2 THz are designed with the presence of magnetic field. (2) We study chaotic dynamics of THz QCL subjected to a sunusoidal current modulation with Lyapunov exponent, Poincare bifurcation diagram, phase portrait and power spectrum. (3) Based on chaos secure communication theory and chaos synchronization of THz QCL, we realize secure communications with the analog signals by optoelectronic mutual coupling synchronization and continuous variables feedback synchronization in chaotic QCL, respectively. This work is of great significance for developing wellbehaved THz QCL and occupying the independence knowledge of THz communication system.
英文关键词: Terahertz;Source;Chaos;Transport;Communication