项目名称: 高分辨率SAR成像要素影响与集成化处理平台
项目编号: No.61331017
项目类型: 重点项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 付琨
作者单位: 中国科学院电子学研究所
项目金额: 405万元
中文摘要: SAR图像目标认知是一个世界性的难题,其解决需要对SAR全链路成像要素及其影响有深入的把握,并需要一个集成化处理平台作为支撑。当前我国在SAR成像要素研究及集成化处理平台研制方面还存在若干基础理论问题与关键技术亟需解决。.本项目拟面向高分辨率SAR图像目标认知,具体针对目标认知所基于的几种典型特征(包括强散射中心,阴影,相位,极化等),开展其成像要素的全链路分析,研究成像要素与目标认知的影响关系,并提出面向目标认知特征的精细化成像处理方法;同时,研制面向SAR目标认知的集成化处理平台,基本形成SAR目标认知研究的基础平台环境。从而,为促进我国高分辨率SAR目标认知研究的进步提供技术与基础环境支撑。
中文关键词: SAR成像要素;SAR成像算法;集成化处理平台;SAR图像仿真;
英文摘要: Object cognition from SAR images is a difficult problem worldwide. To solve this problem, it is required to have deep understanding of all the essential factors involved in the entire chain of SAR imaging and their effects on the object cognition. Moreover, an assemble processing platform is required to support the study. Nowadays, there are still some fundamental theoretical problems and some key technology challenges that are urgent to be solved as for the analyses of SAR imaging factors and the development of assemble processing platform..Towards object cognition from high-resolution SAR images, in this project, it is planned to detailedly consider several typical features of SAR imaging, such as strong scatters, shadows, phases, polarization of targets, etc, which are the basis of SAR image object cognition. Also, it is planned to study the imaging factors involved in the entire chain of SAR imaging and to analyze their effects on the typical features of SAR images. Based on this study, this project will bring forward some delicate data processing methods to achieve better SAR images for object cognition. Meanwhile, it is planned to develop assemble processing platform of SAR imaging, thus build up the platform of research on SAR object cognition. By this project, it is planned to deliver the technical and infrastructure support to advance the research on object cognition from high-resolution SAR images.
英文关键词: SAR imaging factors;SAR imaging algorithms;Assemble processing platform;SAR image simulation