项目名称: 虚拟对象交互结构和行为的统一建模方法
项目编号: No.51205316
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械工程学科
项目作者: 张杰
作者单位: 西北工业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 虚拟产品开发中冗繁的人机交互操作,是消耗人们时间和精力的关键环节。依托虚拟对象交互结构和行为的内在统一性,探讨主-客体对象的自主交互问题,对促进虚拟环境智能化发展有重要的理论意义和科学价值。 本项目研究虚拟对象交互结构和行为的统一建模方法,提出一种解决虚拟对象自主交互问题的新思路。首先,以虚拟对象的个体结构为基础,采用主-客体对象的交互特征偶构造方法,实现交互结构及其产生过程的统一表征;其次,分析偶匹配与行为执行过程的相互影响,融合对象几何和物理特性实施应激式交互行为建模;然后,研究交互活动和行为状态的演化规律,采用离散状态空间分析、控制和优化动态虚拟交互过程。通过上述理论研究和实验分析,从微观角度揭示交互结构产生和行为执行过程的内在关联,奠定虚拟对象自主交互的实现基础,补充和丰富智能虚拟产品开发理论和方法体系。
中文关键词: 虚拟环境;交互结构;交互行为;交互特征偶;智能交互
英文摘要: During virtual product design, there are numerous time-consuming human-machine interactions. In interaction activities, inherent associations exist between interactive structure and interactive behavior of virtual objects. If these associations can be modeled to enhance virtual objects' autonomous interaction abilities, important theoretic and scientific values may be obtained, so that a certain of intelligent virtual environment can be facilitated to come appear. Therefore, this project aims to model virtual object's interactive structure and behavior in a uniform way, and form a new strategy to enhance the virtual objects' autonomous interaction abilities. First, a concept of feature pair (FP) is introduced based on individual structures of interaction objects; FP lays the foundation of a constructive approach to model interactive structure and its constructing process. Second, considering the built-in association between interactive structure and behavior, here we propose a stimulus behavior model based on the matching process of FP; this model is expected as a carrier integrating the geometrical and physical properties of real interaction objects. Finally, the laws behind interaction process and behavior states will be explored to establish a discrete state space of virtual interaction, which can rest the gl
英文关键词: virtual environment;interaction structure;interaction behavior;interaction feature pair;intelligent interaction