项目名称: 面向人机团队的智能规划方法及实验研究
项目编号: No.61273322
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 朱承
作者单位: 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 人机团队指人与系统构成相互理解、共同决策的团队,是高新领域智能系统的发展方向。形成高效人机团队的关键在于人机之间的双向认知交互以及系统动态适应人的认知状态变化,而智能规划方法是实现人机团队构造的核心。因此,本研究首先针对高新领域典型规划问题进行认知任务分析,为人机的动态认知交互确定交互内容、时机和方式。在此基础上,开展支持动态认知交互的智能规划方法研究,提出具备高层控制接口的规划模型,确定人因要素的映射方法,设计对应的规划求解和解释生成算法,从认知决策知识嵌入、决策解释生成、动态适应认知状态变化三个方面支持人机动态认知交互的形成。针对以上人机团队,从算法、人和团队三个角度提出团队绩效评价指标,设计基于认知建模的仿真评价方法以及实验验证方法,结合无人机指控、航天器驾驶等任务规划问题,分析人机团队中人和机(规划系统)的交互层次、强度和团队绩效之间的关系,探索人机形成高效决策团队的规律和原理。
中文关键词: 人机团队;智能规划;评价;认知建模;实验
英文摘要: Abstract:A human-automation team (HAT) consists of human operators and automation systems that have mutual understanding and cooperate in decision making. The development of HATs is a recent trend in intelligence planning (IP) research, especially in the domain of high-tech and high-risk control systems. The keys to an effective HAT include the interchange of cognitive knowledge between the human and the machine and the machine's adaptation to the change of the human's cognitive state. The construction of IP algorithms with these capabilities is the major task of forming an efficient HAT. This study aims to develop IP algorithms that facilitate the forming of HATs, establish systematic indexes and methods for the evaluation of HAT performance, and validate the algorithms and methods with experiments. First, the proposed study will conduct cognitive task analyses on typical planning problems and identify the contents, timing, and methods for the dynamic interchange of cognitive information between the human and the machine. Second, the proposed study will develop IP algorithms that support the dynamic interchange of cognitive information, including algorithm representations for high-level human cognitive parameters, input ports and transformation functions for human cognitive factors, and algorithms for human com
英文关键词: Human-automation Teaming;Intelligent Planning;Evaluation;Cognitive Modeling;Experiment