项目名称: 非结构化农业场景的条件随机场感知模型研究
项目编号: No.61203327
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 王明军
作者单位: 宁波工程学院
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 非结构化农业场景的感知问题是农业机器人走向应用迫切需要解决的首要科学问题,而现有的农业机器人场景感知系统普遍仅依据颜色等外在特征识别场景对象,难以适应非结构化农业场景的动态识别要求。本项目将探索一种新的理论模型和技术手段:基于条件随机场的农业场景感知模型。通过对农业场景外在特征信息和多种上下文信息的深入研究,揭示农业场景图像内蕴的统计规律和人类先验知识,并在模型中进行整合,为农业机器人实现农业场景的鲁棒感知提供理论基础和工程化方案。
中文关键词: 条件随机场;非结构化农业场景;场景分析;;
英文摘要: The Perception of unstructured agricultural scenes is the chief scientific problem the agricultural robots must confront. However, the existing scene perception systems of robots analyze and recognize the scene content only based on external features. As a result, they are not adapted for the requirement of dynamic perception of unstructured agricultural scenes. This project is going to search a new model and corresponding technique: the perception model of agricultural scene based on conditional random fields. First, We plan to deeply study the external features and various contexts of agricultural scenes, which reveals the statistical regularity and prior knowledge of scene images; Second, we continue to integrate both the external features and the contexts in the conditonal random fields; Third, we plan to offer both the theory and solution for the robust perception of agricultural scenes.
英文关键词: conditional random fields;unstructured agricultural scene;scene analysis;;