项目名称: 基于智慧的下一代网络路由关键技术
项目编号: No.61202079
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 林福宏
作者单位: 北京科技大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 随着信息社会的发展进步,Internet网络已渗透到国民经济各个领域,起到了不可替代的作用。然而,作为Internet网络基础支持的IP路由体系面临着十分严峻的挑战。传统Internet网络在单播路由方面主要存在可扩展性、可靠性和收敛性等问题,组播路由主要存在可扩展性和QoS保障等问题。这些问题出现的根源是原始Internet网络架构设计缺陷,需重新构建Internet网络架构及核心协议。为此,本项目将首先采用随机集合理论及超图理论构建智慧的下一代网络架构,它主要由三个平面构成:用户平面、控制平面和智慧平面,三平面协同工作完成一体化服务功能。然后利用随机微分博弈理论分析和建立单播路由、组播路由模型,主要采用的方法是建立各自的效应函数,求解其最优值。本项目目标为构建一套完整的未来网络系统,解决传统Internet网络存在的单播可扩展性、可靠性和收敛性及组播可扩展性和QoS保障。
中文关键词: 下一代网络;智慧;网络架构;单播路由;组播路由
英文摘要: With the development of information society, Internet has affected nearly all the people's daily life. On January 2012, the report on Chinese Internet Development Statistics shows that there are almost 513 million people who have ever used Internet. Internet is so successful, but as a basic protocol, IP routing faces very serious challenges. For the traditional unicast routing, it has the problems of scalability, reliability and convergence. For the traditional multicast routing, it owns the problems of scalability and QoS guarantee. All these serious flaws are deeply rooted in the original design of Internet, and seriously bring down the users' experience. So in this project, we will pay attention to these problems and design a novel wisdom network. Firstly, we will rethinking the Internet architecture and design new wisdom network architecture to fulfill the users' expectations and be fit for the future information exchange requirements.The network architecture is composed by three layers: user layer, control layer and wisdom layer. Secondly, we will study the unicast routing and multicast routing in order to make it clear how to design proper protocols to accomplish the information exchanges at anywhere, anytime comfortably. In all, the aim of this project is building an integrated wisdom network to serve pe
英文关键词: next generation network;wisdom;network architecture;unicast routing;multicast routing