项目名称: 用于血液机械损伤的力学建模的新实验方法研究
项目编号: No.31070892
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2011
项目学科: 原子能技术
项目作者: 陈琛
作者单位: 苏州大学
项目金额: 8万元
中文摘要: 血液损伤设计理论的发展,将推进心血管人工器官等一批重要医疗装置的优化设计,引发技术变革。目前面临的主要障碍是缺乏有效的血液损伤模型,瓶颈在于已有实验方法难以满足建模的需要。本项目针对空间均匀分布的定常和时变层流这一类最基本载荷条件,运用流体力学和电磁学分析手段,研究了如何科学、准确地产生高剪应力、短作用时间的均匀层流、并有效限制血液在试验段以外受到的损伤的方法,设计建造了先进的实验装置,藉以获得一系列可信度高的实验数据,为澄清本领域的若干基本问题提供有说服力的见解,并就建立新的血液损伤模型开展探讨。以往血液损伤实验的误差可能主要来源于实验装置的密封结构造成的血液额外损伤,因此本项目引入了新一代人工心脏中的磁悬浮技术,研究无需密封结构的新型实验装置,解决了这一长期困扰本领域的难题,同时全面提高了实验装置的性能,包括灵活、准确地设定工作点的能力,并为首次进行时变库特层流下的血液损伤实验提供了有效手段。
中文关键词: 人工器官;血液相容性;磁悬浮轴承;生物力学;计算流体力学
英文摘要: Development of the principles for blood damage design is key to breakthroughs to be made in the design optimization of cardiovascular artificial organs and many other medical devices. The main issue in this development is to establish a quantitative model of blood damage, which has been challenging due to lacking of proper means for experimental investigations. This study built up a novel apparatus for producing homogeneous constant laminar flows and the corresponding shear loads on blood components, the fundamental load conditions for the investigations of blood damage in medical devices. This apparatus features a magnetically suspended cylindrical rotor sitting in a stationary housing with extremely small annular gap between the rotor and the housing. Blood sample in the annular gap is exposed to desired shear stresses when the rotor spins at various speeds. The magnetic suspension eliminates any seal structure which has been a necessary part in the conventional experimental apparatus for the same purpose, and is an effective method to avoid excessive blood damage occurring outside the controlled loading space, which is attributed to the controversies among the existing experimental results. base on the technologies in the magnetically suspended centrifugal blood pump developed by this team have be applied for the design of this experimental apparatus. Result of research include computational fluid dynamic analysis to assist the design that produces homogeneous laminar flow in the experimental area without inducing Taylor vortices or other undesired flow patterns, as well as magnetic analysis for optimizing the design of the magnetic suspension and the electric motor which achieve the required performances.
英文关键词: Artificial organs;blood compatibility;magnetic bearing;biomechanics;computational fluid dynamics