项目名称: 基于模糊数据库的大规模复杂模糊本体自动构建与存储关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61202260
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 张富
作者单位: 东北大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 本体是语义Web的知识表示模型,大规模复杂本体的构建与存储是语义Web真正付诸实践的关键技术。随着语义Web的发展,很多语义Web应用需要处理大量复杂类型的模糊知识,然而当前本体及其模糊扩展形式表达能力尚不能满足这样的需求,因此研究能够支持复杂模糊知识表示和推理的复杂模糊本体,并实现大规模复杂模糊本体的自动构建与存储成为语义Web真正实现模糊知识管理亟待解决的重要问题。 本项目从研究支持复杂模糊知识表示和推理的复杂模糊本体入手,深入系统地研究多种典型模糊数据库模型支持的大规模复杂模糊本体的自动构建与存储问题,目标在于形成一个有关复杂模糊本体从表示到构建、存储的完整框架并突破其中的关键技术。项目的研究内容将为语义Web模糊知识的表示、构建及存储提供技术上的解决方案,从而为语义Web模糊知识管理的实现奠定坚实的理论基础,同时也为模糊数据库和语义Web之间互操作的实现开辟一条可能的途径。
中文关键词: 语义Web;模糊本体;模糊数据库;构建;存储
英文摘要: Ontology is the knowledge representation model in the Semantic Web, and the construction and storage of large-scale complex ontologies are the key techniques for the success and proliferation of the Semantic Web. With the development of the Semantic Web, the current ontologies and their fuzzy extensions have limitations when dealing with much complex fuzzy knowledge that play an important role in many web applications. As a result, in-depth studies on the complex fuzzy ontologies which can support the representation and reasoning of complex fuzzy knowledge and the automatic construction and storage of large-scale complex fuzzy ontologies become important issues to be solved for implementing fuzzy knowledge management in the context of the Semantic Web. On this basis, starting with the investigation of complex fuzzy ontologies supporting the representation and reasoning of complex fuzzy knowledge, the project will deeply and systematically study the automatic construction and storage of large-scale complex fuzzy ontologies supported by fuzzy databases, so as to form a comprehensive framework of representation, construction, and storage of complex fuzzy ontologies and break through some key techniques. The project may provide solutions for the representation, construction and storage of fuzzy knowledge and thus l
英文关键词: Semantic Web;Fuzzy Ontology;Fuzzy Database;Construction;Storage