项目名称: 基于环境灾害供电系统功能失效分析及软件研制
项目编号: No.50878039
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 交通运输
项目作者: 柳春光
作者单位: 大连理工大学
项目金额: 33万元
中文摘要: 本课题在总结国内外的研究成果的基础上,从理论和工程实际的角度出发,考虑环境灾害影响,即冰荷载、雪荷载、风荷载和地震荷载。根据电力供应系统的生产流程和拓扑关系,建立电力供应系统的网络分析模型。建立电力供应系统网络的连通性判断准则;建立电力供应系统的网络环境灾害可靠性分析方法;建立电力供应系统的功能失效评价准则和功能失效分析方法;建立电力系统的环境灾害安全性分析与负荷控制分析方法。提出电力供应系统的应急对策技术,为电力供应系统抗击环境灾害的应急能力提供理论基础和实际应用软件。
中文关键词: 供电系统;网络分析模型;功能失效分析;安全性分析;软件研制
英文摘要: Seismic function failure analysis of electric system are studied deeply from standpoint of theory and practice based on recent advances at home and abroad in this project, which are considered by environment disasters which are ice loads、snow loads and earthquake loads. According to the Characteristics of electric network system, the network model and system linked criterion are suggested, and seismic function faliure assessment method of electric system will be discussed and seismic reliability analysis methods of electric system are also built based on environment disasters. Specially, seismic power flow analysis methods and system function failure criterion of electric system are deeply studied. In addition, the seismic safety analysis methods of electric system are also built and earthquake emergency response methods are suggested. All of above will provide the theories foundation and actual applied soft for electric system subject to environment disasters.
英文关键词: Electric system; Network model; Seismic function failure; Seismic Safety Analysis; Soft Research