项目名称: 城市下垫面热辐射方向性的多尺度几何模型
项目编号: No.41471348
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 陈云浩
作者单位: 北京师范大学
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 热红外遥感数据极大地弥补了传统气象对地表温度观测的不足,成为研究城市热环境时空格局的重要手段。适时开展城市下垫面热辐射方向性的遥感研究,无疑是开启城市热环境定量研究的关键步骤。针对近景-像元-景观等不同研究对象,阐明组分温度、方向温度及表面温度的内在转换机制,形成一套涵盖近景-像元-景观尺度的城市热辐射方向性多尺度空间几何模型,旨在揭示热辐射方向性的基本规律。研究内容包括:(1)在近景尺度上,着眼于组分温度,模拟近景单元的温度分布,在特定观测条件下推演近景单元的热辐射方向性;(2)在像元尺度上,着眼于方向温度,研究城市下垫面结构的几何化参数化简化、下垫面热辐射驱动核模型以及方向温度的校正;(3)在遥感景观度上,着眼于表面温度,构建城市热环境的空间轨迹模型,分析热环境景观格局时空演变特征。本课题有望改进和完善城市下垫面热辐射方向性几何模型,为城市热环境遥感研究的深入提供理论基础。
中文关键词: 热红外遥感;城市下垫面;地表温度;热辐射方向性;多尺度
英文摘要: As an advanced technique capable of obtaining continuous surface temperatures in comparison with the point-based meteorological observations, thermal remote sensing has become an increasingly important tool to investigate the urban thermal climate. Thus, the quantitative remote sensing of the urban thermal environment, undeniably, requires an in-depth understanding of the urban thermal anisotropy (UTA). For the better modeling of the UTA, this project plans to propose a geometric framework at three spatial scales, including the close-range, pixel, and landscape scales, which correspond to three entities including the single building, architectural complex, and city. Via the inherent conversion mechanisms among the component, directional, and integral temperatures, this study aims to explore the basic laws that underlies UTA. Its research contents include the following: (1) At the close-range (i.e., single building) scale, we will model the surface temperatures over a single building and investigate the UTA under various specific observation conditions based on the concept of component temperature. (2) At the pixel (i.e., architectural complex) scale, we will study how the directional temperature can be angularly normalized based on a reasonable parameterization strategy as well as a practical design of driving kernels of urban surfaces. (3) At the landscape (i.e., city) scale, we will analyze the spatio-temporal patterns of urban thermal landscapes, primarily based on the concept of the integral urban surface temperature. This project is expected to be able to improve the geometric modelling of UTA and it provides new avenues for the further investigation of urban thermal climate using remote sensing.
英文关键词: thermal remote sensing;urban surface;land surface temperature;thermal anisotropy;multi-scale