项目名称: 染料敏化太阳能电池光电极界面栅栏构筑及界面电荷转移机制
项目编号: No.51472154
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 袁帅
作者单位: 上海大学
项目金额: 83万元
中文摘要: TiO2/染料/电解质界面电荷复合是造成染料敏化太阳能电池实际效率远低于理论值的一个重要原因。对界面结构和特性进行精细调控是抑制界面电荷复合的关键。本项目拟从界面结构设计出发,构造基于栅栏结构的界面隔离层,既不减少染料吸附量、不阻隔光生电子从染料向TiO2导带的注入,同时有效抑制界面电荷复合反应,兼具表面等离子体增强效应;明确界面栅栏与TiO2、染料、电解质之间的相互作用,及其对光的吸收性能、电荷传输与界面转移等微观行为的影响规律;阐明界面栅栏结构和组成对载流子在界面的行为及电池光电转换性能的作用机制;实现对载流子界面行为的调控。本项目的研究成果有助于从微观层面进一步认识界面载流子行为,并为开发抑制界面复合反应的新方法、新结构提供更加丰富的理论基础,有助于进一步提高染料敏化太阳能电池效率,促进染料敏化太阳能电池的发展。
中文关键词: 染料敏化太阳能电池;光电极;纳米结构;界面;电荷转移
英文摘要: The charge recombination reaction on the TiO2/dye/electrolyte interface of dye sensitized solar cells (DSCs) is the main reason which results in the photoelectric conversion efficiency lowing so much than the theoretical value. One strategy is to develop new interface structure to control the interface properties precisely. The aim of this program is to design and construct fence-like insulating layers on the interface, which will not reduce the dye loading, and not block the injecting process of the photogenerated electron from the excited dye to the conduction band of TiO2. The fence-like insulating layer can inhibit the charge recombination reaction on the interface and show the plasmon-enhanced effect. The research contents include the construction of fence-like insulating layer, the investigation of the interactions between insulating layer and TiO2, dye, electrolyte respectively, and the analysis of the effects of the interactions on the optical and electrochemical properties of DSCs. Based on the analysis results, the working mechanism of fence-like insulating layer on the performance of DSCs will be discussed. The charge recombination process on the interface can be inhibited by controlling the insulating layer precisely. The achievements of the research will be helpful for understanding the electron transfer process better and developing new structures and methods to inhibit the charge recombination on the interface. Furthermore, the research results will promote the improvement on the photoelectron conversion performance of DSCs, and accelerate the development of DSCs.
英文关键词: dye sensitized solar cell;photoelectrode;nanostructure;interface;charge transfer