项目名称: 柱矢量光束紧聚焦条件下石墨烯基显微传感成像技术研究
项目编号: No.61505109
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 邢飞
作者单位: 山东理工大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 随着生物医学研究及应用向细胞和分子水平过渡,越来越多的生命科学研究希望在微纳尺度的亚细胞和分子水平展开探索。目前,人们关心的亚细胞和分子水平检测技术迫切需要具备免标记、探测深度大、空间分辨率高、灵敏度高、生物无毒性的特点。显微折射率传感检测技术由于具有免标记、灵敏度高的优势被广泛研究,其中以表面等离子体共振折射率传感技术为代表。然而受低传感深度的限制,该技术难以对细胞内部结构及其分子行为展开深入研究。本项目中,我们提出一种柱矢量光束紧聚焦条件下的新型显微折射率传感成像技术,该技术基于石墨烯偏振光学吸收的灵敏折射率依赖效应,除具有免标记、灵敏度高、空间分辨率高、动态范围大等优势外,该技术还具有微米量级的大传感深度和生物无毒性的特点,这为亚细胞水平展开探索开辟一条切实可行的新途径,尤其为细胞内部结构和分子行为的深入研究打开一扇大门,对进一步揭示最小生命基本单元的奥秘提供有力支持。
中文关键词: 轴对称矢量光束;高数值孔径聚焦;石墨烯;传感成像;亚细胞水平
英文摘要: More and more life science researchers hope for exploring the subcellular and molecular levels in the micro and nano scales, with the application of biomedical research transition from the tissue and organ levels to the cellular and molecular levels. Currently, the concerned detection techniques of the subcellular and molecular levels have an urgent need for label-free, high detection depth, high spatial resolution, high sensitivity and non-toxic biological characteristics. The microscopic refractive index sensing technology is extensively studied for its advantages of label-free and high sensitivity, in which the surface plasmon resonance refractive index sensing technology is an outstanding representative. However, limited by the low sensing depth, surface plasmon resonance sensing technology is difficult to achieve the purpose of sensing the internal structure and molecular behavior of cells. Here, a novel microscopic refractive index sensing technology is proposed under tight focusing of cylinderical vector beam, and it bases on the effect that the polarization absorption of graphene is sensitive to the change of refractive index. In addition to the advantages of label-free, high sensitivity, high spatial resolution, wide dynamic range, this technology also has the advantages of micrometers sensing depth and non-toxic biological characteristics, and it provides a new way to explore the biological behavior of sub-cellular level, especially opening a door for the studies of the internal structure and molecules of cells, and it provides strong supporting for revealing the mysteries of the smallest basic unit of life.
英文关键词: cylinderical vector beam;high numerical aperture focusing;graphene;sensing and imaging;subcellular level