项目名称: 复杂形面空气喷涂涂料成膜机理及规律研究
项目编号: No.51475469
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 陈雁
作者单位: 中国人民解放军陆军勤务学院
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 以隐身战机为典型的许多工业产品,具有大量以变曲率、变法线和(或)大曲率等为特性的复杂形面,这些形面对空气喷涂的喷雾流场和涂膜影响极大,导致机器人喷涂的轨迹规划、涂膜厚度计算和涂层厚度控制的难题。本课题将空气喷涂成膜过程分解为雾化过程、喷雾过程和撞击粘附过程。建立的成膜模型包括喷雾流场模型和撞击粘附模型,雾化结果作为初始条件。针对欧拉-拉格朗日模型的局限性,提出采用欧拉-欧拉模型建立喷雾流场模型。对满足涂料微粒粘附条件的涂料流量进行积分,建立非完全沉积的撞击粘附模型。提出采用欧拉-欧拉模型结合动网格法的局部重构模型,解决动态喷涂的涂膜厚度计算难题。通过求解成膜模型结合实验,研究平面喷涂成膜表征及成因、复杂形面对空气喷涂成膜的影响和喷涂参数对复杂形面成膜的影响。研究旨在揭示空气喷涂复杂形面成膜机理和规律,为机器人喷涂复杂形面轨迹规划和涂层厚度计算奠定理论和技术基础。
中文关键词: 轨迹规划;空气喷涂;复杂形面;成膜机理;规律
英文摘要: Great many complex surfaces with variable curvature radius, variable normal line and/or large curvature etc. exist in industrial products with stealth fighters as their typical example. These tremendously affect the spray flow field and paint film of air spray painting. Trajectory planning of painting robot, film thickness calculation and coating thickness control thus become difficult problems when robot painting complex surfaces. The project divides the process of air spray painting into atomization, spray forming, and impinging sub-processes.The paint deposition model including an spray forming model with atomization result as its initial condition, and an impinging model is established. Euler-Euler model is adopted to model spray forming instead of Euler-Lagrange model because of its disadvateges. The impinging model is established by integrating the paint flux which satisfies adhering conditions for paint droplets. Euler-Euler model and local remeshing model of dynamic meshing method is proposed to solve film thickness calculation problem for the moving air spray gun. Through calculation of the paint deposition model and experiments, the research studies the characterization and causes of paint deposition on planes, the influence of complex surfaces on paint deposition and the influence of spraying parameters on paint deposition of complex surfaces. The project is aimed at revealing the paint deposition mechanism and law of air spray painting on complex surfaces, laying a theoretical and technical foundation on trajectory planning and film thickness calculation for robot painting complex surfaces.
英文关键词: trajectory planning;air spray painting;complex surface;paint deposition mechanism;law