项目名称: 离子型稀土矿区土壤中氮化物迁移规律及转化机理研究
项目编号: No.51464014
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 刘祖文
作者单位: 江西理工大学
项目金额: 49万元
中文摘要: 离子型稀土浸矿开采过程中,因大量使用硫酸铵作浸矿剂,造成土壤中氮化物累积,引发矿区土壤及水体氮化物严重污染,危害了矿区土壤及水体生态安全与环境可持续发展。课题以赣南稀土矿区土壤为研究对象,采取科学划定稀土矿区、土壤甄别与采样与分析、实验室土壤柱模拟试验等相结合的研究方法,对其土壤中氮化物迁移与转化机理进行系统研究。研究内容包括稀土矿区土壤中稀土元素种类、含量及分布;氮化物的形态、含量与分布;氮化物的迁移规律及转化;稀土元素对氮化物分布、迁移与转化的影响因素及交互作用;氮化物污染对稀土矿区环境影响效应等。项目研究旨在研究土壤中稀土元素与氮化物的相互影响与交互作业,揭示氮化物在特殊土壤中的迁移规律及转化机理,形成较完整的离子型稀土矿区土壤中氮化物迁移规律与转化机理理论,对离子型稀土高效合理均衡开采、稀土矿区土壤生态保护与可持续发展、土壤氮化物污染防治与土壤复垦以及研究无氨技术开采稀土意义深远。
中文关键词: 稀土矿区;土壤污染;氮化物;迁移转化
英文摘要: Ionic type rare-earth are mined out using the method of ion- adsorption type rare-earth ore insitu leaching mining which need lots of electrolyte solution such as ammonium sulfate to be used in mining process.Thus a lot of nitrogen compounds enter into soil and accumulate in the soil with time, which contaminate the soil and affect ecological environment of mining area seriously. Taking typical southern ionic type rare-earth mine as the research object as while as through ionic type rare-earth ore field sampling and analysis of soil, the aim ofthis study is to elucidate the the migration and transformation mechanism of nitrogen compounds in southern soil including ionic type rare-earth.The research contents are as follows: rare earth compounds in the distribution of mine soil and its form; nitrogen compounds migration and transformation; the effects of rare earth element types and content to nitrogen compounds interaction between migration and transformation; the effects of nitrogen compounds pollution to environmental ptotection. The rearch is to establish a theory on nitrogen compounds migration and transformation in southern soil including ionic type rare-earth based on survey and test analysis of nitrogen compounds pollution in rare earth mine soil.The results will form relatively complete theory about nitrogen compounds migration and transformationn in rare earth mine soil, which lay the theoretical and technological foundation for mine soil nitrogen pollution prevention, ionic type rare-earth ore reasonable mining and ecological protection.
英文关键词: Ionic type rare-earth;Soil pollution;Nitrogen compunds;Transport and transformation