项目名称: 网络路由策略一致性验证方法研究
项目编号: No.60803138
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 毕经平
作者单位: 中国科学院计算技术研究所
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 本项目针对BGP策略配置管理中迫切需要解决的关键科学问题"如何进行网络路由策略的一致性验证",提出关键技术和工具原型。在大量调研的基础上,分别从路由拓扑模型构建、路由策略效果推断、策略冲突和故障识别、实际策略测量、路由监测系统开发等多个方面开展了相应的研究和开发工作。在研究方面,共发表国际重要杂志或会议论文10篇,国内重要杂志或会议论文3篇,学位论文4篇,专利16项,软件登记2项。其中,提出了路由策略推断模型RPIM,首次推断出多种路由策略的实际实现效果;提出了一种基于模式匹配的统计计算方法可以更加准确地定位和识别域间路由策略及故障冲突;提出了基于规则的前缀劫持检测方法RSPD,具有攻击检测类型多、自适应性强的特点。在研发成果方面,研发了网络路由模拟仿真平台RealEnv-Plan,提供网络路由层面监控可视化及故障诊断的互联网路由监测系统RouteXpert,以及综合分析全网路由和流量行为的互联网路由流量监测分析平台TrafficXpert。其中,RouteXpert和TrafficXpert已经在某些国家专网中实际部署和应用,服务于国防和经济建设。
中文关键词: 域间路由;BGP路由策略;路由策略推断;路由策略验证
英文摘要: This project aims at proposing key technologies and instruments to solve the fundamental problem in today's Internet routing management: "how to verify the intended routing principles against the actual routing effect?" We do the corresponding research and development work from many aspects such as routing topology modeling, routing policy inferring techniques, identification of policy conflicts and failure, as well as development of routing management system. We have published 13 high quality papers in related journals and leading conferences, 4 theses, and held 16 patents and 2 software copyrights. For instance, we proposed a Routing Policy Inference Model (RPIM) to extract various policy design principles of ISP; we also present a statistical approach based on pattern matching to identify BGP routing anomalies, and a self-adaptive rule-based detection method against prefix hijacking. Beyond research, we have developed the routing simulator RealEnv-Plan, Internet routing monitoring system RouteXpert, as well as correlated routing and traffic analysis system TrafficXpert. Among them, RouteXpert and TrafficXpert have been successfully deployed to the military for our national defense and economic development.
英文关键词: Inter-domain routing; BGP routing policy; Routing policy inference; Routing policy verification