项目名称: ZrB2-SiC陶瓷的高温强度、固溶行为、晶界结构及其相关性研究
项目编号: No.51272266
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 张国军
作者单位: 东华大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: ZrB2-SiC是重要的超高温陶瓷材料,其目标使用温度在1800℃以上。经过近十年的发展,超高温陶瓷已经在高纯超细粉体合成、烧结致密化、常规力学性能表征到抗氧化性能研究等方面取得了长足进步。但是,在高温力学性能的评价及相关影响机理的研究上明显滞后,成为阻碍超高温陶瓷发展的瓶颈之一。本项目将以近年来本研究团队在ZrB2-SiC超高温陶瓷制备科学和常规性能评价等方面的系统研究为基础,表征材料在惰性气氛中不同温度下的高温强度,以高分辨透射电镜、能量损失谱、高温内耗谱为核心分析手段,研究不同组分和烧结助剂对材料界面化学、界面结构和固溶体形成的影响,并结合对单相ZrB2陶瓷和ZrB2-SiC复相陶瓷的脆延转变温度、高温静态蠕变、高温弹性模量、残余应力和导热性能的测试与分析,深入探讨影响超高温陶瓷高温强度的内在因素,为设计具有优良高温力学性能的超高温陶瓷提供理论指导。
中文关键词: 超高温陶瓷;硼化锆;力学性能;显微结构;热物理性能
英文摘要: ZrB2-SiC ceramic is an important member of the family of ultra high temperature ceramics (UHTCs), whose target application temperature is above 1800 C. During the past years, there have been lots of progress and developments in the researches on the synthesis of high purity and ultrafine powders, densification process of sintering, characterization of conventional mechanical properties and mechanism of oxidation resistance. Up to now, however, the evaluation of the mechanical properties at high temperature and analysis of correlative influence mechanisms are still an problem to be resolved, which is one of the bottle-neck problems hindering the development of UHTCs. Based on the systematic researches of the material preparations in our research group during the recent years, this project is going to evaluate the high temperature flexural strength in the high purity inert gases at different temperatures. By using the high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and high temperature internal friction spectrum (HTIFS) as the key characterization techniques, the interfacial chemistry, interfacial structure and solid solution formation affected by different compositions and sintering additives will be studied. Then, through the tests and analysis of the brittle-du
英文关键词: UHTCs;ZrB2;Mechanical property;Microstructure;Thermophysical property