项目名称: 傅里叶变换红外光谱数据超分辨率处理关键问题研究
项目编号: No.61505064
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 刘海
作者单位: 华中师范大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 针对傅里叶变换红外光谱在数据获取过程中存在的光谱噪声、基线漂移和谱带重叠等分辨率退化问题进行超分辨率处理研究。结合傅里叶变换光谱仪的物理特性,建立光谱数据退化降质模型,重点研究谱带重叠和噪声产生的机理、仪器响应函数参数化模型非线性求解问题。在模型的指导下,建立傅里叶变换光谱数据超分辨率处理统一框架,研究适应光谱自身特性的细节保存方法抑制光谱强噪声,低信噪比条件下基于小波变换融入光谱局部结构信息的自适应光谱复原方法。开展光谱质量与超分辨率算法性能评价研究,采用多因素多水平正交实验法确定工作参数变化与超分辨率算法性能的影响规律,从提高光谱质量与超分辨率处理性能角度提出工作参数的最优组合。研究成果将为傅里叶变换红外光谱仪及其超分辨率处理提供新方法、新技术和评价方法,促进红外光谱分析在目标识别、物质鉴定、化学计量学分析等领域的实际应用。
中文关键词: 红外光谱数据;盲目反卷积;超分辨率;数字信号处理;性能评价
英文摘要: Fourier transform infrared spectra often suffer from common resolution degradation problems of spectral noise, baseline drift and bands overlap in the process of data acquisition. In this project, to overcome those challenges, we carried out the research on infrared spectrum super-resolution. Combined with the physical properties of the Fourier transform spectrometer, we try to build the degradation model of infrared spectrum data and research on the generation mechanism of band overlap and spectral noise. Then, the nonlinear solution algorithms for the parametric instrument response function (IRF) model will also be studied in our research. Furthermore, guided by this model, we plan to establish a unified super-resolution processing framework for the Fourier transform spectrum data. We study the spectral detail-preservation methods, which is combined with the spectral characteristics, to suppress the spectral strong noise. Based on the wavelet transform of the spectroscopic data, we will study the adaptive spectral restoration methods under the condition of the low signal-to-noise ratio. Those methods will integrate the spectral local structure information. At last, we plan to research on spectral quality and performance evaluation of the super-resolution algorithm. We plan to do the multiple factors and levels orthogonal experiments to determine influence law between the parameters change and the super-resolution algorithm performance. After those experiments, the optimal combination of the infrared spectrometer parameters will be put forward, which can improve the quality of spectrum and super-resolution processing performance. The research will provide new methods, new technology and evaluation methods for the Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and its super-resolution processing. And also, the research will promote the practical application of the infrared spectrum analysis in the field of target recognition, material identification and chemometrics analysis, etc.
英文关键词: Infrared spectral data;Blind deconvolution;Super-resolution;Digital signal processing;Performance evaluation