项目名称: 面向服务质量的Web服务测试技术研究
项目编号: No.60873050
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 许蕾
作者单位: 东南大学
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 本项目主要研究Web服务测试技术,从功能、性能和安全性等方面来保障其质量,内容包括:(1) 通过语义提取、信息挖掘等多方式获取测试相关信息以生成原子服务和组合服务的测试用例,并通过合适的约简算法使得用例数量在可控范围内;(2) 在Web服务回归测试中,通过语法、语义依赖关系来查找变动及其影响,并按照优先级排序等方式有效合理的选择、重用测试用例;(3)通过日志分析、数据挖掘等方式建立用户访问模型,在尽可能接近客观实际情况的实验环境下,确定Web服务的最大负载能力;(4) 多方面保障Web服务的安全性,在安全协议、安全架构、安全性评估方法及安全检测和测试模型等方面开展相关研究;(5)研制一个Web服务测试支撑工具原型,其中包括测试用例生成选择、压力测试、性能测试等功能。 通过本项目的研究,为Web服务测试提供有针对性、适应性的方法学指导以及有力的支撑工具,实现真正可信赖的Web服务。
中文关键词: Web服务;测试用例生成;用例约简;验证;测试
英文摘要: This project mainly researched on the testing techniques for Web Services, so as to ensure the qualities focused on functionality, performance and safety, and the contents included: (1) Generating test cases for genenic Services and combinational Services by obtaining related testing information for Web Services, i.e., semantically distrilling or information mining, then using a certain reducing algorithms to make the number of tesing cases under controlling; (2) During the regression testing for Web Services, finding the changes and influences by grammar or semantic depedencing relationships, then choosing and reusing test cases according to the priorities effectively and reasonablely; (3) Setting up user visiting model by analyzing Log files and data mining, then determing the max load ability for Web Services under the experimental environments, which are almost the same with the realities; (4) Ensuring the safety of Web Services from multiple aspects, such as safety protocol, safety architecture, saftety evaluation and testing model; (5) Development a supporting tool sterotype for Web Service testing, which includes such functions as test case generation and selection, load testing and performance testing. By our research work, we could provide more suitable methods and tools for Web Service testing, so as to realize the truthful Web Services.
英文关键词: Web Service; test case generation; test case reduction; verification; testing