项目名称: 多分量感应测井仪器偏心效应模拟与校正
项目编号: No.41304084
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 洪德成
作者单位: 吉林大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 井眼校正是多分量感应测井资料处理首先需要克服的难题,仪器偏心是井眼环境的主要组成部分。在倾斜井和水平井中,仪器偏心破坏了测井响应分量原有的旋转变换矩阵,造成井眼环境影响复杂,难于校正。本项目拟通过对偏心效应的数值模拟总结新的旋转变换矩阵,将任意方位仪器偏心校正到沿x轴方向偏心,在此基础上做进一步的井眼校正。主要研究内容为:1.利用TE、TM波分解技术求解圆柱面分层介质电磁场,实现各向异性倾斜井中仪器偏心效应高精度快速正演模拟;2.利用三角函数系拟合随偏心角和井筒方位角变化的正演模拟曲线,确定变换矩阵表达式;3. 建立反演规则,将沿任意方位偏心时的9个非零测井响应分量校正到沿x轴方向偏心时的5个非零响应分量;4.进一步构造组合量消除偏心及井眼泥浆影响并给出水平电导率和垂直电导率视值。该方法可与纵向一维反演方法相结合实现测井资料快速处理,满足现场测井解释需要。
中文关键词: 多分量感应测井;各向异性;偏心;圆柱状介质;
英文摘要: Borehole correction is a challenging problem for multicomponent induction logging data processing and the eccentricity is the key factor of the borehole environment. The eccentricity breaks the original rotation tensor of the tool response in deviated and horizontal wells. This leads to complicated borehole effect on the tool response and it is difficult to be corrected. This project plans to find a new rotation tensor for the eccentricity effects in order to correct the eccentricity in any direction to x-direction of the response component and make further borehole corrections. The main contents are: 1. Solve the electromagnetic field in the cylindrical layered media using TE, TM wave decomposition technique, and fast model tool eccentricity effect in deviated wells drilled in anisotropic formation; 2. Fit forward modeling results against the eccentric angle and azimuth by using the trigonometric functions to determine the expression of rotation tensor; 3. Establish the inversion rule to correct the eccentricity with 9 components in any direction to x-direction with 5 nonzero components; 4. Construct combination log to eliminate the effects of the eccentricity and borehole mud and to obtain the horizontal and vertical apparent conductivity. Combined with a vertical one-dimensional inversion method of logging da
英文关键词: multicomponent induction logging;anisotropy;eccentricity;cylindrically multilayered medium;