项目名称: 木材表面等离子体聚合沉积氟/硅纳米薄膜疏水改性研究
项目编号: No.31260159
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 解林坤
作者单位: 西南林业大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 传统木材表面疏水性改良对环境造成污染并影响木材本身所具有的美学特性。本项目拟用等离子体聚合手段在木材表面沉积含氟或含硅的纳米薄膜,赋予其疏水性能。采用C3F8辅以C2H2、CH4及含氟单体使木材表面氟化;含硅单体使木材表面硅烷化;C3F8与含硅单体对木材表面氟化及硅烷化。研究宏观参量(聚合时间、功率、工作气压)对聚合物薄膜沉积速率的影响及Si-O-C、Si-O-Si交联大分子结构形成之间的关系;考察混合气体中C2H2、CH4的流量对C3F8在木材表面聚合沉积的贡献,C3F8流量与聚合物薄膜中F、Si元素含量的关系。应用XPS、FTIR等分析木材表面聚合物薄膜中的元素组成、含量、官能团类型、化学键结合方式等来探索沉积薄膜的前驱基团,结合Py-GC/MS分析揭示木材表面氟化、硅烷化的反应机制,同时阐明聚合物薄膜的结构对疏水性能的影响,为等离子体环境下木材表面疏水性改良和工业化应用奠定理论基础。
中文关键词: 木材表面;等离子体聚合;等离子体刻蚀;纳米薄膜;疏水/超疏水改性
英文摘要: The traditional methods used to increase hydrophobicity on wood surface have negative influence on the aesthetics of wood and environmental pollution. The project will study that the wood surface hydrophobic modification deposited on nano-film of containing fluorin or silicon by plasma polymerization. Related researches are as follows: the wood surface is fluorinated using fluorocarbon (C3F8) supplemented with hydrocarbon (C2H2, CH4) and fluorine-containing monomer; it is also silanized with containing silicon monomer; and is fluorination and silylation by C3F8 with containing silicon monomer. Macro-parameters(polymerization time, radio frequency input power and working pressure) of how to affect the polymer film deposition rate and crosslinking structure of Si-O-C and Si-O-Si forming; the flow rate of C2H2 or CH4 contributes when the C3F8 polymerize in the wood surface and the flow rate of C3F8 can generate the element of F and Si content in the polymer film. The elements composition, content, functional groups and binding structure of deposition film in the wood surface are analyzed by XPS, FTIR and Py-GC/MS; based on this, the deposited precursor groups, reaction mechanisms, and the relationship of the polymer film structures and the hydrophobic properties will be studied. The research will establish a basis
英文关键词: Wood surface;Plasma polymerization;Plasma etching;Nano-film;Hydrophobic/Superhydrophobic modification