项目名称: 汽车撞击引起的桥梁振动对高速列车运行安全的影响研究
项目编号: No.51308035
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 夏超逸
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 作为车桥系统动力相互作用系列研究的一部分,基于车-线-桥耦合振动理论,采用理论分析、数值模拟计算和部分试验验证相结合的方法,研究汽车撞击荷载作用下列车-轨道-桥梁系统动力相互作用机理和分析方法。分析汽车撞击桥梁荷载作用的时空分布形式,建立列车-轨道-桥梁系统动力分析模型,实现汽车撞击时列车过桥全过程的动力仿真,对汽车撞击荷载的作用下车桥系统的振动响应做出估计,对桥梁结构和列车的运行安全进行评估,为桥梁抗撞击设计提供车辆走行安全评定方法,建立评价桥梁受到汽车撞击时桥上车辆运行安全性的规范性指标。所提出的分析方法将与现有的桥梁,特别是高速铁路桥梁的工程实例相结合,为提高桥梁整体抗撞击能力、保证不同类型汽车撞击荷载作用下桥上列车高速运行安全提供依据,并为进一步的理论研究和合理确定高速铁路桥梁车辆撞击设计荷载提供基础。
中文关键词: 汽车撞击;高速铁路桥梁;动力响应;高速列车;行车安全
英文摘要: The project is a part of the series study on dynamic interaction of train-bridge system. Based on the dynamic interaction theory of train-track-bridge system, it studies the dynamic interaction mechanism, analysis algorithm and vehicle running safety control principle for the train-bridge system subjected to collision loads, through theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and field test verification. The time-space distribution of vehicle collision load on bridge structures will be analyzed, and the dynamic analysis model and the method for the train-bridge system under collision loads will be established, to realize the whole-process simulation of a train passing through the bridge when it is subjrcted to vehicle collision action, and to evaluate the operation safety of bridge structure and vehicles. The purpose of this study is to provide an evaluation method on the train runnability for the bridge anti-vehicle collision design, and to establish regular indices for evaluating running safety of trains on the bridge subjected to collision. The proposed menthod will be combined with the actual engineering works of current bridges, especially high-speed railway bridges, to provide basis for enhancing the anti-collision capability of bridges and ensuring running safety of trains on the bridge subjected to vehicl
英文关键词: vehicle collision;high-speed railway bridge;dynamic response;high-speed train;running safety