项目名称: 等离子体层电子含量的统计分析与建模研究
项目编号: No.41274163
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 张满莲
作者单位: 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 电离层与等离子体层的状态变化是空间天气的重要组成部份,其对卫星定位、导航授时以及遥感遥测等有重要影响。将国际参考电离层(IRI)模型扩展到等离子体层是目前IRI组织倡导的专攻课题之一。本项目拟利用天基与地基观测资料,采用现代先进的数据统计分析,定量研究等离子体层电子含量随地方时、季节、太阳活动周变化的统计特性及其对地磁/地理经纬度的依赖特征;通过观测数据的对比与相关性分析,结合理论分析与数值模拟,研究等离子体层电子含量变化特征的形成机理,探讨等离子体层与其上(等离子体层顶与磁层)、下(电离层)层之间的耦合关系,了解(电)动力学过程在其中的作用机制,揭示太阳活动、地磁扰动等对等离子体层电子含量变化特性的控制行为与影响特征;结合本征模分解、谐波分析、相关与回归分析以及数据同化等方法,研究适合于等离子体层电子含量全球变化规律及统计特征的建模方法。本项目的研究可为空间天气的建模与预报服务提供参考。
中文关键词: 电离层;等离子体层;等离子体层电子含量;统计分析;建模研究
英文摘要: Variations of the ionosphere and plasmasphere form a significant aspect of the complex subject of space weather, which has important impacts on satellite navigation and positioning, remote sensing and GPS survey, etc. Extension of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model to the plasmasphere is one of the taskforce activities of the IRI community. This research project is to study the variation behavior of the plasmaspheric electron content using data from both space- and ground-based observations. Specifically, based on comprehensive data analysis, supplemented with theoretical analysis and numerical modeling, we will: (1) study the statistical properties and features of the plasmaspheric electron content and their variations with local time, season, solar cycle levels as well as their dependences on geographical/geomagnetic latitudes/longitudes;(2)study the main mechanisms governing the variation features of the plasmaspheric electron content, the couplings between the plasmasphere and its upper (plasmaspause and magnetosphere) and lower (ionosphere) layers, trying to understand the controlling roles of the (electro)dynamic processes in the coupling processes and the effects of the solar activities and geomagnetic disturbances on the variation of the plasmaspheric electron content;(3) study and search
英文关键词: Ionosphere;Plasmasphere;Plasmaspheric electron Content;Statistical study;Modeling