项目名称: 水线作用加速涂层劣化和涂层下金属腐蚀机制研究
项目编号: No.21203034
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理化学
项目作者: 张伟
作者单位: 钢铁研究总院青岛海洋腐蚀研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 水线作用加速了涂层劣化和涂层下的金属腐蚀,该过程中有一些重要问题尚未澄清,原因是传统研究采用的片状电极无法提供水线区域涂层劣化及涂层下金属腐蚀的分布信息。本项目拟利用阵列电极技术和电化学阻抗谱从水线区整体角度研究涂层/金属体系在水线上、水线和水线下的电化学阻抗谱和电位、电流分布谱及其变化特征,分析不同位置涂层劣化在水线区涂层失效过程中的内在关联性,阐明水线作用加速涂层劣化和涂层下金属腐蚀过程机制,为发展耐水线腐蚀的涂层技术提供研究基础和高性能测试方法。
中文关键词: 水线腐蚀;涂层;金属腐蚀;阵列电极;涂层劣化
英文摘要: The coatings degradation and the underlying metal corrosion processes are accelerated by the water-line corrosion. There are several important questions have not been clarified, the reason is that the one-peace electrode used conventionally unable to effectively reveal the local distribution information of the coatings deterioration and the metal corrosion underlying coatings in water-line regions. By detecting the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy responses and the current and potential distributions of the coating/metal system, the project intent to clarify the accelerating mechanisms of different local water-line areas (above, along and below the water-line) during the coatings deterioration and the underlying metal corrosion processes. Under above researching results, the fundamental research achievements and the high-performance testing methods for developing the waterline-anticorrosive coatings technology would be obtained.
英文关键词: Waterline corrosion;Coatings;Metal corrosion;WBE;Coating deterioration