项目名称: 三维机织共形微带天线结构变形机制与电磁学性能
项目编号: No.51303025
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 许福军
作者单位: 东华大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 作为智能结构系统的重要通讯器件,微带天线的结构稳定性和可靠性对其应用和发展至关重要。但该类天线具有容易分层破坏而导致性能失效的致命缺陷,亟待解决。本项目以提高微带天线抗分层能力为目的,拟将导电纱线与高性能纤维织造成为新型的三维机织结构微带天线;采用空腔模型理论和HFSS电磁波仿真软件,研究共形情况下辐射单元和导电纱线的变形机制,考察曲面形态和曲率半径与天线阻抗匹配和方向特性间内在关联,揭示导电纱线织造结构、织造密度和排列方式对天线共振频率、回波损耗和方向图特性的影响规律;借助拓扑图形方法和介电等效电路法,引入三维机织复合材料体积单元,建立天线基质材料中高性能纤维和树脂材料的配置与其介电常数之间的预测模型。本项目旨在构建三维机织微带天线的共形结构与电磁学性能的理论关系,提出一套三维机织共形微带天线的结构设计、仿真模拟和性能分析方法,为新一代共形承载天线的发展提供理论方案和数据支持。
中文关键词: 三维机织织物;微带天线;共形承载结构;电磁学性能;
英文摘要: Microstrip antenna, as the important communication component of smart structure systems, which structure stability and reliability are of great importance for its application and development.However, conventional microstrip antennas are easy to be delaminated and cause malfunction under the external impact, which become a severe obstacle for its development and application. To solve this problem, an idea of integrating the microstrip antennas to three-dimensional (3-D) woven structure was first demonstrated and realized by our research group. By the 3-D orthogonal weaving technique, conductive yarns and high performance fibers can be fabricated into antenna with specific dimensions and texture. Due to the unique delamination-free property of the 3-D textiles, the three dimensional microstrip antenna (3DMSA) could obtain excellent both mechanical and radiation properties. However, designing and manufacturing the 3DMSA with conformal structure, especially on a curved surface, is much more complicated than that of the traditional microstrip antenna. Therefore, investigation on the relationship between different conformal structure and the electromagnetic properties of the novel antenna is very essential. In this project, we will focus on the theoretical relationship between structural deformation mechanisms and el
英文关键词: three dimensional woven fabric;microstrip antenna;conformal load-bearing structure;electromagnetic performance;