项目名称: 利用同步辐射研究大气气溶胶的新技术
项目编号: No.U1232209
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 盛六四
作者单位: 中国科学技术大学
项目金额: 280万元
中文摘要: 大气气溶胶在我们生活的大气环境中无处不在,它是液体或固体颗粒均匀地分散在大气中形成的相对稳定的悬浮体系。随着环境污染问题的日趋严重,人们已经认识到大气气溶胶造成一系列的气候与环境问题,如影响着生态平衡、大气能见度、全球能量收支平衡及降雨量的增减,危害人体健康,在城市中形成光化学烟雾,影响对流和平流层中的OH和O3等的平衡。挥发性有机物经过氧化或光氧化反应产生大量性质各异的有机物,生成的二次有机气溶胶(SOA)。SOA的探测分析和形成机理研究是当今大气化学过程的研究热点之一。我们利用合肥同步辐射装置研究大气气溶胶,研制热解析光电离气溶胶质谱仪和环境腔。在环境腔中模拟大气氧化或光氧化产生二次有机气溶胶的过程,利用热解析光电离气溶胶质谱技术及颗粒粒径谱仪等,实时在线检测SOA。研究其化学成分及物理性质,探索SOA的形成机制。对探讨区域和全球大气化学、气候变化和环境效应等都有非常重要的意义。
中文关键词: 气溶胶;同步辐射;光电离质谱;烟雾箱;流动管
英文摘要: Atmospheric aerosol is ubiquitous in the atmosphere of our lives,it is a relatively stable suspension system that liquid or solid particles evenly dispersed in the atmosphere. With the worsening of environmental pollution problems, it has been recognized that atmospheric aerosols cause a range of climate and environmental issues, such as the impact on the ecological balance, atmospheric visibility, the global energy balance and rainfall changes, in harm to human health, formation of photochemical smog in the city, affecting the balance of OH and O3 in the stratosphere and troposphere. Volatile organic compounds could produce a large number of diverse organic matter to form secondary organic aerosols (SOA)eventually by oxidation or photo-oxidation reaction.The detection and analysis of SOA, and the study of SOA formation mechanism such as the chemical processes in the atmosphere are the all the hotspots today.We want to use the Synchrotron Radiation Facility at Hefei to study the atmospheric aerosol. Research,design,and construct the thermal desorption photoionization aerosol mass spectrometer and the environment chamber. We prepare to use the environmental chamber to simulate the atmospheric oxidation or photo-oxidation processes which lead to generate secondary organic aerosol.A new study for online analysis of
英文关键词: aerosol;synchrotron radiation;photoionization mass spectrometer;smog chamber;flow-tube