项目名称: 网络社交媒体中情绪信息传播的认知神经机制
项目编号: No.31470995
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 神经、认识与心理学
项目作者: 曲琛
作者单位: 华南师范大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 网络社交媒体时代,普通用户可以通过转发行为使信息在互联网中迅速传播扩散。前人研究发现被成功转发的信息会激活大脑奖赏回路及与共情和观点采择相关的脑区,即转发者对信息感兴趣并且预期他人会喜欢。少有研究结合社交媒体的特点深入探讨社交媒体中负性信息被转发扩散最多的现象,本项目设计符合社交媒体用户习惯的实验情境,用功能性核磁共振技术考察情绪性信息传播的神经机制。首先考察情绪信息转发的效价效应,即负性信息是否与正性信息共享相似的神经回路;其次以网络流行语为线索通过控制情绪词数量考察唤醒度对信息传播的影响;针对网络谣言具有高唤醒度的特点,考察材料的真实性及情绪唤醒度对转发的影响及其神经机制;最后将探究实名制对转发的影响及其神经机制。本项目抓住当前热点问题,对情绪相关的因素:效价、唤醒度、真实性以及实名与否对传播的影响进行较全面的探究,为政府舆情管理,企业产品信息投放,个人用户高质量的信息分享提供科学依据
中文关键词: 社交媒体;信息传播;情绪;转发;脑成像技术
英文摘要: Under online social media environment, individuals, no longer being message recipient, act as message communicators. By Retweeting, message consequently spread through online social media and become viral. Previous research found that arousal of messages might be the key to driving viral diffusion. When communicators are first exposed to messages that they will ultimately retweet or recommend, two kinds of neurocognitive processes are likely to set this successful propagation in motion. First, for ideas that are destined to spread, communicators are likely to value the idea. This process may recruit brain regions supporting reward and positive evaluations, such as ventral striatum (VS) and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC). Second, successful message propagation requires that communicators accurately predict the recipient's interests and preferences,which would recruit the mentalizing-system such as dorsome dial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC) and temporal-parietal junction (TPJ). However, most research focus on creative ideas or advertising video in traditional word of mouth style. And in those research, recipient is a given export rather than a number of followers as in social media. Moreover, Few research focused on negative messages which was viral in nowaday online social media. Using functional fMRI techinique, the current project will explore neural mechanism of emotional message propagation in online social media. In the current project, participants would be exposed to a real social media application during an fMRI scanning session and considered whether they would retweet the messages to followers. Firstly, both positive and negative messages were to be presented to explore whether retweeting negative messages shares a common neural system with positive messages. Secondly, since those network buzzwords are high arousal, we would manipulate message arousal by controlling quantity of high arousal words in message presentation to examine the neurocognitive correlates of arousal influence on messge propagation. Concerning rumors in online social media are high arousal, thirdly, we would explore how authenticity and arousal affect message propagation. Given real-name registration become popular in online social media, communaicators have to consider individual social image. Finally, we would investigate how Real-name Registration affect emotional message propagation. Focusing to hot social issues, factors related to message propagation, valence, arousal, authenticity and real-name registration, were introduced to investigate neural processes of emotional message propagation in the current project, which has application value on high-quality information sharing for individuals, advertisement dropping strategy for enterprises, and public sentiment administration for government.
英文关键词: social media;message propagation;emotion;repost;brain imaging technique