项目名称: 超低量子亏损泵浦激光特性研究
项目编号: No.61505226
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 宗楠
作者单位: 中国科学院理化技术研究所
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 激光技术是具有战略性、全局性和带动性的国家战略支撑技术,将在国民经济发展、科技前沿研究、国防装备建设中发挥不可取代的重大引领带动作用,而其重要发展方向——高功率率固体激光是目前急需发展的高新技术,亟待解决同时实现高功率与高光束质量激光输出的关键核心问题,需从根本上提高效率和降低热效应。超低量子亏损泵浦技术(即将粒子直接泵浦到激光上能级,并使激光下能级与基态处于同一能带的不同Stark分裂精细能级),可从根本上提高激光系统效率和减少产生的废热,从而解决制约高功率激光性能提升的瓶颈难题。根据前期低量子亏损泵浦研究和大量激光材料表征评估经验,超低量子亏损泵浦技术与自激活晶体材料高掺杂优势相结合,可获得量子亏损极低(几乎为0)的激光输出,这将十分有利于提高高功率固体激光的效率,极大降低系统废热,改善热效应,同时提高激光热损伤阈值,解决高功率激光同时实现高效、高功率、高光束质量输出的关键核心问题。
中文关键词: 超低量子亏损泵浦;高功率固体激光;激光速率方程;Stark分裂精细能级
英文摘要: Laser technology is an indispensable national strategic supporting technology. It will play an important leading role and will be irrepaceable in the development of national economy, frontier scientific research and national defense. High power solid state laser is the important development direction, with the difficulty of obtaining high power and high beam quality at the same time. Ultra-low quantum-defect technique is directly pumping the atoms into the upper level and the lower laser level is in the different Stark sublevel but the same energy level with the ground state. It can increase the laser efficiency and reduce the harmful heat, which can solve the key problem of high power laser. Thanks to the earlier research on low quantum defect pumping and much work on characteristics of laser material, we can obtain efficient laser output with ultra low quantum defect (nearly zero) by taking full advantages of ultra-low quantum-defect pumping and high doping characteristic of self activated crystals. This is very useful for increasing the laser efficiency, decreasing the thermal effect and increasing the thermal damage threshold. It can be considered as a potential new way for obtaining high power, high efficiency, low cost and stable solid state laser.
英文关键词: ultra-low quantum-defect pumping;high power solid state laser;laser rate equations;Stark sublevels