项目名称: 星载光学多器件多谱段遥感影像高精度几何配准技术研究
项目编号: No.41201361
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 地理学
项目作者: 祝小勇
作者单位: 国家测绘地理信息局卫星测绘应用中心
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 全色和多光谱影像配准是遥感影像应用的基础。针对共平台、共视场的高分辨率相机和多光谱相机,分别做正射校正后,再做配准融合处理的配准精度低,控制数据获取和处理流程复杂,多光谱谱段间畸变不一致等问题。本项目从多器件多谱段成像的几何机理出发,研究共平台、共光学系统情况下的全色、多光谱影像间高精度几何配准的理论、方法和实现。通过研究星载光学系统成像几何关系、多器件多谱段精确三维几何关系,采用基于影像模拟、模拟影像与真实影像的匹配等技术手段动态估计在轨光学系统的几何模型,结合基于刃边和物方几何模型的高精度高可靠控制点和地面数据,精确标定各CCD严密成像几何模型关系,利用虚拟扫描线形成多器件多谱段影像的统一处理模型,实现像方的多器件多谱段影像的高精度几何配准。
中文关键词: 航天摄影测量;影像配准;严密成像几何模型;多光谱遥感;几何检校
英文摘要: Panchromatic and multi-spectral image registration is the basis of remote sensing image applications.After performing ortho-rectification respectively to high resolution camera and multi-spectral camera which share common platform or field of view, the following problems arise: accuracy is low in further registration and fusion process, data acquisition and process of ground control points turn to be complicated, and distortion between multi-spectral becomes inconsistent. In this project, theory, method and implementation of high accuracy geometric registration between panchromatic and multispectral images which share common platform or optical system are supposed to be researched, based on the geometry mechanism of multi-devices and multispectral imaging. According to the study with respect to the geometry relationship of spaceborne optical system, also the precise 3D geometric relationship between multi-devices and multi-spectral, using geometry models of on-orbit optical system which is estimated dynamically based on the technologies of image simulation, images matching of simulation images and real images, furthermore, with combination of ground data and reliable ground control points that is based on edge and object geometry model, relationship of rigorous geometry models for each CCD will be precisely ca
英文关键词: Space Photogrammetry;Image Registration;Rigorous Geometric Model;multispectral;Geometric Calibration