项目名称: 基于随机几何和社交网络理论的D2D通信技术研究
项目编号: No.61471026
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 王海波
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 移动蜂窝网络控制下的D2D通信是第五代移动通信系统的关键技术之一。面向5G的D2D技术发展具有以下三个趋势:(1)优化能量效率;(2)在移动终端密集分布下的协作D2D通信机制优化;(3)基于社交网络优化D2D通信设计。现有的D2D研究很少针对能量效率优化,在D2D协作中继选择中不考虑多小区干扰模型,利用社交网络的D2D研究更是刚刚开始。本课题将采用随机几何、社交网络理论和博弈论等理论工具对第五代移动蜂窝网络中的D2D通信进行性能分析和算法设计。首先利用随机几何方法建立多蜂窝小区下的移动终端分布和干扰的一般性模型,然后基于能量效率、同时考虑发送能量及电路能量来优化D2D干扰协调与资源分配算法,通过对非协作与协作D2D传输的干扰和性能对比分析导出最优的协作D2D算法,最后综合多跳D2D网络的物理因素和社交网络模型设计协作D2D传输机制,并对所设计的算法进行理论上的性能分析和仿真验证。
中文关键词: 设备直通通信;随机几何;移动社交网络;能量效率;协作通信
英文摘要: Cellular-controlled Device-to-Device (D2D) communications can improve the spectrum efficiency and reduce energy consumption, therefore it has been considered as one of the key techniques for the fifth generation of mobile communication systems (5G, also called IMT-2020 ). The trends of D2D communications toward 5G would include: (1)Optimized Energy Efficiency(EE); (2)Cooperative D2D mechanisms under untra-dense mobile terminal (MT) distributions; (3)Mobile Social Networks (MSN)-based D2D communication algorithms. Energy efficiency-oriented D2D optimization has not been well investigated in the literature, existing research in cooperative D2D communications seldom includes multi-cell interferences, while not much D2D investigation has been fulfilled on MSNs. This project will utilize stochastic geometry, social network theory and game theory to analyze the performance and optimize the algorithm design for D2D communications under the 5G mobile systems. We will first build up the general models of mobile terminal distributions and interferences in 5G multi-cell environment using Poisson point process. Secondly we will optimize the D2D interference mitigation and resource allocation algorithms to maximize the system energy efficiency considering both transmit power and circuit power, and then derive the optimal D2D cooperation mechanism by comparing the interference level and performance of both cooperative and non-cooperative transmissions. Finally we will combine the physical element of multi-hop D2D communications and the MSN model to design MSN-oriented cooperative D2D transmission schemes, and make performance evaluation and simulation validations for all the above work.
英文关键词: Device-to-Device Communications;Stochastic Geometry;Mobile Social Networks;Energy Efficiency;Cooperative Communications