项目名称: 探月飞船跳跃式返回再入预测-校正制导方法研究
项目编号: No.61203194
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 张洪波
作者单位: 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 跳跃式返回再入技术是开展月球、火星取样返回,载人登月等深空探测任务必不可少的技术手段,属于高动态、快时变、复杂力学与热学环境下的运动体控制问题,理论性强,技术难度大。本项目将针对其预测-校正制导算法中的若干关键问题开展研究。 飞船再入过程中的能量变化规律是深刻把握飞船运动特性的关键,也是确定制导算法中最优倾侧角剖面的前提,因此项目首先对此开展研究;其次研究解析计算辅助下的快速数值预测-校正制导算法,综合解析法与数值法的优势,改进纯数值预测-校正计算量大、鲁棒性差的不足;再者,研究考虑飞船滚转动态特性的侧向制导算法,解决由于倾侧角符号翻转引起的纵向与侧向通道耦合问题;最后,研究飞船气动系数和大气密度参数联合辨识、初次再入下降段的能量管理等关键问题,提高制导算法的精度和鲁棒性。 项目研究能为我国开展深空探测返回再入任务提供理论基础和技术支持,也可为高超声速飞行器制导问题提供借鉴。
中文关键词: 跳跃式再入;预测-校正制导;能量变化规律;参数辨识;能量管理
英文摘要: Skip reentry is an essential technique for some deep space exploration missions, such as lunar or Mars sampling and return, manned lunar mission. The task of the guidance subsystem of the return capsule is to control a high dynamic, fast time-varying vehicle which is subjected to intricately dynamical and thermodynamic environment. The technique is theoretically complicated and difficultly implemented. This project intends to investigate some of the crucial issues of the skip reentry predictor-corrector guidance method. The energy variation characteristic of the reentry capsule will be studied firstly, for it is a key element to understand the motion regularity of the capsule and the basis of designing the bank angle profile for reentry trajectory prediction. A fast numerical predictor-corrector guidance algorithm aided by analytical solution will be explored secondly. The analytical and numerical method will be synthetically used to avoid the time-consuming computation and poor robustness disadvantage of the numerical algorithm. Bank angle sign reversion occurred in lateral guidance procedure could introduce coupling between longitudinal and lateral guidance channel, so a new lateral guidance law will be investigated to promise high terminal precision of cross range. Finally, two crucial problems, parameter in
英文关键词: skip reentry;predictor-corrector guidance;law of energy variation;parameter identification;energy management