项目名称: 网络舆情大数据的地理空间情报价值发现与挖掘
项目编号: No.91546112
项目类型: 重大研究计划
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 曹志冬
作者单位: 中国科学院自动化研究所
项目金额: 42万元
中文摘要: 地理空间信息对于洞悉网络舆情的时空演化模式有重要意义,充分挖掘互联网大数据中地理空间信息的潜力与情报价值是一个重要命题。课题把地理学研究方法引入突发事件网络舆情研究,利用空间统计和地理计算方法,探索基于互联网监测获取的突发事件网络舆情大数据,由此,分析舆情信息流在我国不同地理区域网民群体中传播、扩散、蔓延的地理空间差异,揭示不同地理区域网民群体对突发事件舆情的社会情绪异同及其变化模式,阐明地理空间位置在塑造和推动网络舆情中的角色与作用,探索并发现突发事件网络舆情中的各类地理空间效应,解析形成机制。课题以突发公共卫生事件网络舆情为示范案例,研发突发公共卫生事件网络舆情时空态势分析与研判的软件原型系统。
中文关键词: 网络舆情;舆情分析;大数据;时空演化;地理空间情报
英文摘要: Geospatial intelligence is critical to provide a better understanding of internet public opinion. It is an important issue to fully tap the potential of geospatial information in the Internet big data. From the geographical point of view, the proposal carried out a study of internet public opinion. Some analytical methods, including spatial statistics and geocomputation, were used to mine the internet big data of public opinions related to emergent events based on internet data monitoring. Thus, we investigated on the spatial difference patterns of information flow spread among netizens located in different regions of China, and explored their similarities and differences of social mood. Furthermore, we analyzed and identified the role of spatial effect in geography in transmission and evolution of internet public opinion. Scientific proof was conducted for geospatial effect and mechanism in transmission and evolution of internet public opinion. Subject to public health emergencies was selected as our case study. Based on the case study, we developed a software prototype system for the situation assessment and analysis of the public health emergencies.
英文关键词: internet public opinion;public opinion analysis;big data;spatio-temporal evolution;geospatial intelligence